Bachman EZ Command Dynamis

Actually I am more afraid of the Bachmann association with the product. Anyway, it is not of interest to me because I have a sound investment in NCE, like it, would not consider replacing it, am happy with the service (what little I have needed).

I will say this, when the old Dynatrol command system was being replaced by DCC, the owner provided a conversion path from Dynatrol to NCE DCC with a dual signature decoder that would recognize an infrared signal from Dynatrol or a DCC signal from NCE. I put up the repeaters, converted diesels, but infrared turned out to be a dissapointment to me, so I made the full conversion to DCC. Believe it or not, I still have a few of those old dual signature decoders installed in a few older engines.


I think most model railroaders are aware of the quality control issues Bachmann has with some of their products manufactured in China. But to be fair it has to be pointed out that their customer support is very good.

However, I still think of their HO and N scale products as entry-level toys. Their On30 and Large Scale trains I put in a different category, but only based on feedback from modelers in those scales. I have no first-hand experience with them.


Randall, I used to agree with your sentiment about their HO scale models. But I think it is important to make a distinction between their cheaper basic line of models and their Spectrum line. I purchased one of their 3 truck Shays and have been really impressed with both the detail and the quality of the model. I have subsequently purchased other Spectrum range models and really have nothing bad to say. I think that they are excellent models.


Thanks for that assessment. I know a number of people who agree with you. I had some problems with a Spectrum offering in N scale. They did replace the defective item promptly, but even after that, I still felt that the product wasn’t quite worth the price.


Even their standard line has come a long ways in the last 20 years. I realize some of the “pros” still scoff at them, but I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them to someone starting out. I wonder how many people that bash them have actually tried any of them in the last 10 years or so??

What we do know is that the device is not made by Bachmann, but has been designed for them by one of the European DCC makers.

The EZ Command Dynamis is made for sure by ESU Solutions in ULM/Germany

Santa Claus

That ECoS Controller sure looks familiar. I wonder why Bachmann opted for IR wireless instead of radio??[%-)]

Thanks for all the input, guys. Gives me a lot to consider.
