Bachman selling E&R Sharknose diesels??

A dealer on that certain auction site claims that Bachman is now selling the E&R sharknose engines. He provides a Bachman item number for those that he is selling.
Does anyone know anything about this?

I think Bachmann may at one time either have imported the locos or bought the remaining stocks - their UK site was listing these and the FP7s a while ago. The three I bought are still all Roco rebadged as ER Models, but it seems that Bachmann may have bought the remaining stock.

Yes, Bachmann bought the tooling and the remaining stock. Unfortunately, news of this came after Digitrax decided to stop making the drop-in DCC replacement boards for them.

Check with the Bachmann website. THe ER models were produced in Bachmann’s China factory. THey seem to be an improvement over Bachmann’s Funits.