And I did answer your questions.
Soundtraxx has a sound library of stuff they have recorded.
In the Sierra line, it is a WSLCo Shay.
Now, I would really like to challenge you to tell me what sounds different on a 2-truck, 3-cylinder Shay vs. a 3-truck, 3-cylinder Shay.
It is an OEM (Original Equipment-Manufacturer) item, made FOR Bachmann BY Soundtraxx but NOT available in the size and current handling capabilities to anyone else AT THIS TIME.
Also, Bachmann is 'way behind the curve on documentation, as they are still trying to get info out on their EZCommand DCC.
And that has been a few years.
So, for sound, it’s from Soundtraxx, it is a Tsunami variant, it IS NMRA Compliant (altho I haven’t seen a conformance warrant as of yet).
This thread got derailed by mention of “generic” as while that can be an option with regular Tsunamis (not generic as in white noise, but in a mix of bell, whistle, chuff, etc), but this one is SUPPOSED to be FOR a 3-cylinder Shay.
If you are looking for specific sounds for specific prototypes that have not existed for decades, you might have to settle for “generic”, but as “generic” in this OEM line is not an option at this time, well, until someone actually GETS one and RUNS it and maybe even COMPARES the sound to something known, it can all be labelled “conjecture”.