Bachmann 2-6-0 Item # 51806

I couldn’t find any so does anyone here have a reviews on this item? I know it’s not a Spectrum, but are these “standard” engines worth a try?

Bachmann’s more recent steam engines have a chassis that’s close to Spectrum quality, but the detail is much more generic. The new 2-6-0 (which is what you’re looking at) has an all metal boiler for more weight, and should be a very nice model.

This is a new release. They are shipping now, DCC ready and with sound. About $100.00 with sound at one on line shop. . No reviews yet. I have been watching this loco discussed on the Bachmann forums. On line shops might still indicate pre-order.


I’ve seen them only as a pre-buy also. Although the Bachamnn forums do say they are shipping “soon”. I find the price hard to believe. I’ve found them for well under $125 from several online stores. With the Spectrum models demanding at least $50 more, I’m a bit concerned about the quality. I know the Soundtraxx is not a full version, but even my 2-8-0 Spectrum that has a factory installed Soundraxx is great! For under $125 it might just be worth a gamble…

I still see them at my favorite online store for under a hundred, but not by much, with DCC/sound still as advanced reservation. until they are actually in the hands of people , reviews are likely not to be found. Just have to wiat I guess.

If I were you I would wait until YOU get to see one run in person. One person’s opinion of a great engine may not be the same as what yours is. [:|] One knock on Bachmann is their decoders. I’ve replaced more factory installed Bachmann decoders for people then all others combined. [<:o)]

The Tsunami will be the on board sound loco. Someone questioned in the Bachmann forum about the non sound in the ones with just DCC on board but the powers to be did not say if this decoder will be better. I have to assume it will be as even in the Bachmann forums, some say to replace the non sound type and also cut the caps on the board.


Just my opinion, so please don’t flame me. I would not recommend Bachmann Spectrum to someone I didn’t like. I had a very bad experience with a Spectrum 2-10-2. Bend rod pins, flash on the valve gear castings, poor soldering on the decoder. In the end this loco now sits and looks not bad - note I didn’t say looks good. The loco is unusable and Bachmann is unable to provide repair parts. Note that all these problems were on the new factory unit out of the box.

Short story, you get the quality you pay for. IMHO Bachmann Spectrum is not worth it.

I have a couple dozen Bachmann Spectrum engines and have only had problems with two of them. Bachmann quickly replaced the faulty units.

The locomotives are quaranteed for life.

Why would you not send the unit in for replacement and/or repairs.It makes no sense why you would keep a defective locomotive when you can get a replacement.

In the case of a particular locomotive not beening available Bachmann gives you a choice for the replacement.

You can get a defective locomotive anywhere. I have had a defective BLI steamer as well as a Proto Heritage steamer and a few Proto 2000 diesels as well

You do not seem my bad mouthing those manufacturers.

I will certainly buy one or two of the new 2-6-0’s once they are available.

I have one of these and it has the Tsunami sound in it. I love the little engine and it is one of my favorites. Sound and performance are great. I have many other Specturm locos and all are very good and reasonable in cost. They back their products and I have had one old steamer replaced with a new DCC on for a $25 charge. The old one was at least 5-6 years old.

Just my thoughts,


You must of got a lemon. I have two 2-10-2’s one with tsunami sound one without. they both look and run great. Acually they run as good as my BLI steamers.

I have already preordered the 2-6-0 with sound. I beleive it will be a decent loco. All metal boiler for better traction is an inprovment, and Tsunami sound for 119 bucks delivered to my door. I’ll gamble.
