Bachmann 4-8-4 CBQ


Anyone have a Bachmann CB&Q 4-8-4 in HO scale?

How do they run and operate also tryong to locate one.



I don’t personally have one, but mabey I can help.

Its not a true CBQ model, just a SF 2900 class in a ficticious paint scheme.

If you find the old 3 pole motor version, you will need to buy a Bowser mechanism. The stock drive is crap.

If you find a Bachmann Plus version in okay condition it may run satisfactory. Not spectacularly smooth, but okay. Not capable of smooth low speed operation. It has at least 8 wheel pick up. Detailing is pretty good concidering how much they originally cost.

Check ebay ASAP. I saw Bachmann CBQ steam recently. There may be your locomotive there.

I have this Bachmann 4-8-4: repainted in GN scheme. I have barely run it, but it seems to be pretty good.

If only someone would make a CB&Q O-5 in HO plastic…

Thanks for the info.

Im looking for HO scale.


Just found one and won it on Ebay.

56.00 dollars, i think its a fair deal since they were about 100 dollars.

Mint in box, I think it will make me a nice Christmas present.
