Bachmann Baldwin modern 4-4-0 disassemble

I just recently got my hands on a modern 4-4-0 and i am currently trying to service the engine.
Im trying to get into the motor by removing the boiler shell. I have tried looking at the parts diagram but have found no instance as what screws hold the body together. Considering that there are very few articles on how to do so led me to turn here for support.

Any idea on what to do?

Regards, Parker

Many Steam Loco’s have a screw inside the smoke stack that will release the body from the boiler .
Check it

While I’ve never opened up my modern 4-4-0 i have opens lts of my other Bachmann steam locos. Looking at the diagrams on the bachmann website it looks as if there is a screw between the pustons that holds the shell on. I dont see any scres to the rear but I’d check on lower back of the cab. Once the shell is off there are 3 screws by the motor that eill let you remove part of the frame to access the motor. Hopefully this helps.