I have a small 8x10 layout and am looking to try DCC. Has anyone used this unit. It seems to be the lowest priced which is OK, but I would like it to control 4-5 trains with sound, Horns bells. Very basic, and my first foray into DCC. Any advice, should I spend more on the other mid range $150-200 units? What if anything will the extra money buy me?
Thank you.
If you haven’t been welcomed to the forum yet, let me pipe in: Good to have you aboard! [:)]
I have the Bachmann and bought the EZ Command as a inexpensive alternately to “try DCC” on my 4 x 8 layout. The Bachmann EZC is a good, basic, no-frills system that works well but it is limited. It can control up to 9 DCC/1 DC locomotives but, with a total 1 amp max. output, you will only be able to run 2 - 3 newer (<5 years old) locomotives at any given time. I paid about 1/2 MSRP for mine. ($53 +S&H)
With the EZC, you can program 2-digit addresses, access to up to 10 function (or “F”) buttons to control headlights (F10) and/or bells and whistles, and consist (MU) locomotives together in tandum.
More sophisticated starter units like the Digitrax Zephyr will give you more power to run locomotives (2.5 amps vs. 1 amp of the EZC). You will also be able to control the CV (or configuration variables) like start up voltage or momentum and breaking. (The latter two mimick the inertia of the gradual starting and stopping that you would see on a prototypical train. Contrary to model railroading thought, real trains DON’T stop on a dime.) The Bachmann has these either factory-fixed or not programmable. You could change the CV using someone else’s DCC system then run it with the Bachmann.
NCE has a new 1 amp system called PowerCab that is a handheld unit with a LCD display. You can add a 3 amp booster to it in order to run more locomotives. Bachmann has plans of bringing out a 5 amp booster for it’s EZC later this year. The PowerCab runs about $140 at discount at Tony’s Train Exchage (http://www.tonystrains.com) or Empire Northern Models (http://www.empirenorthernmodels.com/DCC%20Page.htm).
oscardeuce, at some point I’ll move up to a more sophisiticated DCC system that can do more. For now, the Bachmann EZC has been quite adequate for my small layout.
Lastly, the Bachmann can be found heavily discounted. If you d
Thanks for the info, I assume the controller will run all compatable decoders.
Yep. I have two Digitrax and one Lenz decoder and have had no problems with any of them. One is even a Z-scale decoder for my Alco S1.
P.S. One other thing I forgot to mention. A few (but not all) DCC systems have RG-232(?) connectors on the back to allow you to plug in your computer so that you can use it to program your decoders more easily or run a signaling system on your layout. That would be a plus, if you’re thinking about that down the road.
I have the Bachmann DCC and like it also. It is a pure starter thing just to get the taste of. It is limited and controls seem a little awkward but for the money it is a bargain. I run 3 or 4 loco’s at a time on it and have not had problems. Once i get my new Proto 2000 DCC E8’s in I will most likely upgrade to but what I do not know.
I used to run the EZ Command. Great unit for the price.
But I changed to a Zephir, since programming the CV’s to adjust the
behaviour of some of my lokos became necessary.
The EZ Command can’t do that.
I also have an E-ZCommand it works good! my lay out is 42"X10’. I’am just saveing for more de-coders(only two for now)I’am going to modify mine and put an “on&off switch in it”.
Its a great starter system and is priced well. I would recommend getting it to start if you are new to DCC especially with its price. If later you want more function and power you can buy one of the other systems. For those who are tight on money its a way to get in to DCC now while you save up and decide on which of the more expensive systems you want to invest in. I plan on handing my mine down to my son for his layout in the near future.