Bachmann Engines

I have been doing some research on these engines and have searched on here and wanted to know if for a guy just starting back up if these engines would be suitable for my layout. My layout will mostly be flat (modeled after a place in the midwest).

They are definitely affordable vs some of the others and I realize they probably dont look as realistic compared to the other brands but needing to stock up on some engines and dont want to fork over $150-$200 for each engine. I will purchase some nicer ones but to fill out a start up layout seems to me the way to go.

What I have researched is that the Spectrum series may be the way to go. I assume they are a little more realistic than the cheaper Bachmann’s. Also what about the DCC decoder in them, I assume they are the lower end but how do those work compared to the pricer decoders?




Were you thinking of the Bachmann diesels, or their steam? I can answer you as far as Spectrum steam–the several models I have are good runners, decent pullers and quite smooth.

I do understand that Spectrum has had some QC issues, but so far, my locos run very trouble-free. Can’t speak for their diesels, though.

As far as DCC, I’m strictly DC, but I understand that their decoders aren’t really top of the line. Perhaps someone who has experienced their decoders will step in and comment, here.

But as far as quality, I’ve had no problems with my Spectrums at all. Nice lokies.

Tom [:)]


Thanks for the reply. Yes I should have mentioned this would be there diesel loco’s and would be DCC. I like the price just for the fact I dont have any at this moment and time. I dont want to sacrifice quality for performance either.

There may be older stock on some shelves with just DCC, no sound and may be the lower end decoders.

Check all the details at wherever you might by from. Don’t assume. Also, shop around the 'Net for best prices.

I usually buy form Caboose Hobbies and Micro Mark, though there are other good online stores.

All I have is the Spectrum 44 ton and Spectrum 70 ton that were DCC on board. I wanted sound so just pulled the stock decoders and installed LokSound decoders. I sent a two motor diesel 44 ton back to Bachmann as it developed a cracked gear.

Both locos are fairly nice but don’t know much about the detail aspects.


Hi Brad,

I have two Bachman diesels. One, a GP 40 came with a train set I had quite a while ago. Sure it is not detailed very well but I put a decoder in it, added some ditchlights, and changed the headlight to a LED. It runs great. Not quite as smooth as my Atlas or Proto but none the less I have no complaints about it at all. The other is a GP 35, one of the DCC ready ones. I replaced the decoder with a NCE decoder that is specifically designed for the Bachmanns. This loco has a little more detail than my other Bachmann but doesn’t run as smooth as the GP 40. Still, for less than $50.00 a great little loco. Bachmann has a “hit or miss” philosophy in regards to their lower quality stuff. My older, train set GP 40 was a hit but the newer GP 35 is a miss. You take your chances on what you are willing to pay. In the photo, the CP is the GP 35 and the CN is the GP 40 Best of luck in your choice.


I have a few more recent Bachmann diesels from both their Standard and Spectrum lines. The Standard line diesels (an FTA and GP30) are very smooth and reliable runners, but the GP30 has a motor that only runs OK. I also have the newer Spectrum 8-40CW and F40PH, and both are excellent runners with very nice detail. They are hit and miss with their quality, but I would definitely recommend them to most anyone.

I run a DC layout, but my GP30 came with dual-mode DCC. The board sent low frequency pulses to the motor, causing a lot of noise at low speeds, and just wasn’t very good quality. I took it out and hard-wired it for DC, so it runs better now. I think the Spectrums come with slightly better ones.

The DCC OnBoard diesels don’t look too bad (for the price) but they require quite a bit of maintenance to keep them going. I usually use the shells to put on other chassis, such as the Bachmann GP40 shell on a 70’s era Atlas chassis below:

They will also fit on some Athearn chassis. Athearn locos run well and with a little maintenance will run for years. I have a few old ones that were passed on to me.

I have a Bachmann Spectrum GE E-33 (Electric), a Spectrum GE 44-Tonner, and a non-Spectrum 2-6-2 Prairie. Switcher and the electriic run very well; I have no complaints at all, but the steamie bent one of its tie rods after about 4 months of operation. Upon closer inspection, the plastic bar that holds the piston in place was also bent.

To be fair, I can’t be sure that the Prairie wasn’t damaged by my fat fingers, but it sure didn’t take much if that’s what it was.

As far as their decoders is concerned, I prefer to buy DCC-ready and install my own.

The newrer DCC onboard steam run excellent but are poor pullers. They dont have traction tires, which to many is a good thing, but being plastic they dont pull super well if you have heavy cars or steep grades. But for most layouts, they are an excellent value. That being said, my Proto 2K Berkshire is way better detailed and pulls much better than the Bachmann, both have no traction tires, but the Proto 2K one comes with a spare driver set that has them. Now if you can build kits and want an engine that will pull the house down, look for the Bowser kits, they are not as hard as they look, yes you have to rivet the valve gear, but they give you the tool, all you need is a small tack hammer and a hard surface. I used my desk top. The rest is just clean up with small files, dremel with the wire wheel and putting details on with super glue. I drilled out the headlight so it would be lighted. If someone wants one of these engines but is affraid to build one. I am willing to do them on a one by one basis for a nominal charge. Here is my PRR Mountain I am building right now. Just the locomotive weighs 2 pounds without any motor installed. These engines will outlast anything coming from China and were made right here in the USA. They are out of production right now, so ebay and train shows or hobby shops are you only chance to get one now. Mike

Brad, what prices range are you wanting to stay with in? I a not a Bachmann basher like some. I had some of there steam engines (GS 4’s) and great runners. I had one Spectrum with the split chassis, it was OK at its best. I forgot which model it was, it went to E-Bay when I went DCC.

If your prices range is say under $90.00 besides Bachmann I would look at Proto 1000’s and 2000’s with out sound. I have 14 of the Proto’s. Only one has sound, and all where under $65.00. Now that was 5 years ago, so I would say you can still find them for around $90.00. I have over 50 engines, I have yet to repair a newer Proto. (I have 40 that are 20 years old I have repaired, cracked gears).

If you said what road name and time frame you are looking for, I missed it. I highly recommend the Proto 1000 F-3’s, I think they are on sale at Train World for a pair of A and B both powered around $70.00 for the set. I have 2 pairs, one set of A& B will pull 50 plus cars, and I have a 1.5 percent grade.

Have you looked a BLI Blue Line engines? You can get sound DC engines for $140.00 then you add a DCC decoder when you are ready. I have 2 GE AC 6000’s and one RSD 15, they are good pullers.

If you are wanting to to stay with in $40.00 to $60.00 range, nothing wrong with Bachmann.

Cuda Ken

I don’t own a Bachmann and probably never will because, as others have said, their reputation is for hit or miss quality. I can’t afford a miss. You can find very good quality Atlas, Proto and Stewart diesels on ebay, all of which should be better than Bachmann. If you bid carefully you don’t need to spend a whole lot to fill your roster. And don’t overlook Athearn. I consider them of middling quality, but their Genesis line should be on your menu, too.


Thanks for the reply’s guys. I forgot to mention this will be a modern day layout. Really like the new engines out. I was looking for mainly CSX but just the the real deal, I would put UP and NS on it.

I am really not set on getting any Bachmann’s but just liked the price. I will probably purchase some BLI AC6000’s but just cant justify paying $200 for each engine. I have been also looking at Atlas and Atheran also. I am also going to be DCC. Learning alot with DCC over the last couple of days and understanding exactly how it works.

In my experience with Bachmann, the Spectrum line of steam locos are pretty good in all respects. I would avoid the regular Bachmann locos, however. If money is a problem, and you want diesels, look for the regular Athearn line. If money is not a problem, there are a bunch of excellent mfgs out there.


The Bachmann Spectrum steamers are excellent locomotives. I have two and they are well detailed, well made and good runners. The plain Bachmann steamers (no Spectrum marking on the package) are said to be of lesser quality than the Spectrum line. I don’t own any so I don’t really know.

Bachmann diesels have taken a lot of flak on the Internet over the years. I buy Athearn and Proto2000 which have been very satisfactory. Athearn comes in two grades now, the top flight and pricey Genesis line and the plain Athearn RTR. The ordinary RTR Athearn has always been good enough for me.

Take my word for it. They’re sadly lacking in the quality department. Several of my friends have some and almost all of them developed problems with the drive rods binding. I have a couple of the later 0-6-0’s and both have cracked axle gears. A 70’s vintage Bachmann 0-6-0 I inherited from a relative has no problems and runs extremely well. That tells me their quality went south after that period.

Some guys in my model railroad club have Bachmann DCC-equipped diesels, They run good, but the Digitrax DCC system on the club layout doesn’t like the Lenz decoders that the locos are equipped with. One club member has a newer MRC DCC system on his home layout and he says he has no problems with his Bachmann locos. So depending on which DCC system you get (if you decide to get one}, you may have to change the decoders in the Bachmann locos if you want them to run.

NCE makes a drop-in replacement for the cheap Lenz decoder used in the DCC OnBoard diesels, Walther’s part #524-139.

I have a pair of older Spectrum F40PH locomotives. Not bad pullers, but noisy. Bachmann didn’t do badly on these…but they’re not perfect. Love the strobes though. The main problem is that the grab irons are flat against the body. Still, the oldest is nearly 20 years old, and I haven’t had problems with it. The newer (and still unpainted, for some reason) F40 has some annoying problems. Unlike the older model, when I took it apart for servicing…the gears were literally caked with grease. Nothing I could really do, other than clean all that stuff off and do it properly.

BTW, does CSX still have these on their office specials? If so, it wouldn’t be hard to repaint one or two units.

Just dont get the cheap little steam engines.

You WILL regret it.

Amen to that!!