For anyone in the market for a model of one of these venerable Pennsy workhorses I just happened to see them listed at MB Klein and at a VERY attractive price. ($120 DC and FORTY bucks more for DCC AND Sound!)
I only pass this on as kind of an addendum to an earlier thread about Bachmann value-vs.-quality. I do not have one of these, yet, but the photo seems to show a very respectable model. (No Amtrak?)
It’s questionable as to how badly we need another player in the GG1 field (BLI>MTH; Rivarossi; Trix; Mehano) but, again, at this price level it might just be worth a look for some of you.
The GG1 is an iconic locomotive and everybody wants to build one.
I’d buy more of them, but they will not fit in my subway tunnels. The two that I have (both Rivarossi) were good workers in their day, but now they will be leading the trains on my static display.
I have one backordered, so I can expect mine late this week coming. I have two of the BLI version, one DGLE the other red with 5 stripes. The Bachmann, will be DGLE with single stripe, like they were when I hired on the PRR in 1967. The PC version looks good also.
It’s true that the GG1 is iconic, my layout is strictly a Manual Block Secondary track, utilizing mostly Switchers. But i cannot pass on the GG1, even though I know once the test run is over, it will be banished to its box.
That’s one of those things that’s on my “next layout” bucket list. I model the Milwaukee in the Transition Era, but it’s not too hard to imagine a stretch of electrified main line where, perhaps, a GG-1 would pull into a station and be swapped out for steam or diesel for the rest of the run. Or, maybe it would be swapped for a Little Joe or a Bi-Polar, one of the unusual Milwaukee electrics. For now, though, I’ve got no catenary.
I’m glad Bachmann is making these. They have been building better models, and keeping the price affordable at the same time.
I had a GG-1 when I was a boy and ran Lionels. I didn’t worry about era or electrified lines or even where my railroad was back then. Some day, though, I would like to do it right with one of these.
I have been waiting for the Bachmann DCC/Sound version. I have a Rivaossi and had 3 others but they all have the pizza cutter wheels which don’t like my Code 83 that much. I will replace the Rivarossi one with the Bachmann soon; just got my PayPal account up to where I can pay for it. Don’t have any electrified line on my layout but I still will run it with a consist of PRR smooth side passenger cars.
I hope Bachmann does really well with these, especially if they can keep quality high, prices low, and still make a good enough buck that they can call it a decent run. Goodness knows the only other competitor out there in numbers is the highly priced MTH version. If the Bachmann version can match it in pulling power and visual appeal, I am sure it will be a winner.
I was lucky to get about the last new-in-box Trix HO version in N. America several years back, and for about half-price. What a beauty she be, complete will all-metal construction and a LokSound decoder to boot.
Considering that BLI is no longer in the GG1 business, and Mehano is basically gone, and Trix requires a mortgage, and Rivarossi’s best version was junk by any standard today, and has not been made under that name in 20 years?, I think a Bachmann GG1 is exactly what the market needed.
I don’t model PRR, so I will not be buying this Bachmann piece, but I wish them success.