Bachmann SD45 - Dirty trick?

I just installed an NCE decoder in my Spectrum SD45 and it now runs like a dream. Problem is, I decided to add Kadee scale head couplers (#158) during the project. Kadee’s whisker couplers are a drop-in fit, however the result is a non-movable coupler. Did Bachmann deliberately use a thinner coupler box in order to discourage using Kadee’s thicker shafts? Anybody have a good solution? I’m not at all happy with plastic couplers. Thanks - Bill

I’m not familiar with that loco, but the draft gear boxes on many Accurail cars aren’t deep enough to accommodate Kadee’s bronze centering springs, with the turned-up sides being crushed when the lid is secured in place. I solved the problem by building-up the sides of the box, like thus:

If you don’t use the Accumate couplers supplied with these kits, you’ll find that the coupler pockets are not quite deep enough to accommodate the bronze centering spring used with Kadee couplers:

Attaching the coupler cover snugly will crush or distort the protruding parts shown, resulting in poor coupler performance. The solution is to build-up the sides of the coupler pocket, using strips of Evergreen .010"x.020" styrene, as illustrated:

I cut the strips a little longer than necessary, then trim them to length after the cement has hardened.

Perhaps a similar technique will correct your problem.


Take a file to the top and bottom of the shaft of the coupler.

David B

Bill I just posted a question about a Bachmann SD 45 I am thinking about buying. I had one spectrum years ago before I went DCC. If I remember right I had the same problem. I did not use the lids of the coupler box, instead I used a Kadee washer and the screw to hold on the couplers. I sold it years ago, so I cannot post and pictures.

If you want to uses the top, might sand down the shank of the couples.

I hope you find time to visit my post as well.

Cuda Ken

Yep, it’s a great engine for the price. I believe some road names can still be had from Micro-Mark for $39. That’s where I bought mine. As for the copper spring heights, I thought I solved most of those problems (Roundhouse etc) by going to the Kadee whisker couplers which are a bit thinner. Unfortunately Bachmann’s new couplers (and boxes) are even thinner yet. I’ll give the file idea a try but was afraid I’d damage the whiskers which by the way, also protrude from the short Bachmann coupler box. - Bill

Ditto what David said. Get a 8" mill file, hold the coupler carefully and draw it along the file. Do the top and the bottom of the coupler shank. use an Xacto knife to ream any edge around the hole.

I have been doing this to install Kadee’s in Bachmann and others for decade or more. I will admit, that every now and then I bend a whisker, oh well, they come in bulk packs now.


I had that problem. My fix was to put very thin shims between the coupler box parts. It should have a wide enough opening after that to let the coupler swing freely, but still be thin enough to slip into the coupler box slot in the pilot. Just don’t tighten the screw all the way, or it’ll squeeze the box and the coupler won’t move.

I tried filing a couple but destroyed the whiskers in the process. Guess I’ll use the old fashion method. Cut away the built-in coupler box and install a #158 with the Kadee box. Easy job for rolling stock but this is a steam pilot. Not looking forward to cutting away part of the pilot. - Bill

(Sorry for the apparant disconnect. I am having the coupler problem with several Bachmann products. 2 SD45’s and 3 Spectrum 4-4-0’s which have awkward pilot coupler installations.)

Sometimes all it takes is to back off the coupler box screw a little to free it up.

Problems solved: I didn’t want to back off the mounting screws because that eventually results in a loose coupler, usually at the time you are showing your layout to a group of friends. However your idea still worked for the steamers. I backed the screws off a little then secured them with a drop of Walther’s Goo. Also solved the SD45 problem by installing a Kadee #158 with a shortened box. The Kadee box fits just fine. Thanks to all for your replies. - Bill