Bachmann short heavyweight passenger car question...

What year did Bachmann produce their short, lighted, heavyweight passenger cars ?. I’m mainly interested in N scale Santa Fe.



I don’t know, but I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on a few!

I won a few of them a while back on ebay. The auction ended at 3:30am. I guess the seller (who was new and had only sold a few items at that time) didn’t realize that the wee hours of the morning is not the best time to end an auction… Not only that, but he had the listed under Bachmann Passenger Cars and only had one bid on them when I came across them. Anyway, I got a baggage/combo and three coaches for $22.00 + $5.00 S & H. The numbers are all the same on the coaches, so as soon as I get around to it I’m going to change it on two of them.
I use my Santa Fe consolidation to pull them around with. Sure looks nice.


Now see Tracky, thats the kind of deal I need. I’d like to get a few of these to add some variety to the rolling stock.

My brother and I had a coach and combine when we started in N scale in the late 1970s. Bachmann had those cars in production for a long time.

IIRC, the cars were based on C&NW prototypes used in commuter service from the 1920s until they replaced by bi-levels in the 1950s. Walthers made HO kit versions from the 1950s on.

It seems like one time that someone mentioned that these cars came out in the late 1970s, but I wasn’t interested at the time and wasn’t paying attention. But then, that’s how it always goes with me…

I’m really surprised no one else has produced them because they appear to be real popular. Those that are sold on ebay always go for pretty good money.

Tracklayer, Tracky, TL or whatever you want to call me…