Bachmann Spectrum Steamers?

I have to admit, that after purchasing a really junky Bachmann steamer early on in my return to MRR, I have avoided Bachmann like the plague. There have been enough good posts about the Spectrum line of steamers that I am tempted to get one. However, I also get the impression that not all Bachmann Spectrum line is created equal and that some models are better than others? I am considering a 3 truck shay in HO. Is this a decent model? Any other Bachmann steamers deserving of attention?


The Grizzly Northern operates two 2-8-0 Consolidations, three 2-10-0 Russian Decapods and a 3 truck Shay, all without major problems. They look good and run well. I’m tempted to pick up another 2-8-0 or 2-10-0 if the price is right.

My son has a 2-8-0 Spectrum with Soundtrax that works quite well. I wouldn’t hesitate to get another.

I have the Spectrum USRA 2-6-6-2. I have to say it is a sweet loco. Looks great, will creep so slow you can barely see it move, runs smooth, and can pull a 20 car freight train up a 2% grade by itself. I also have a Spectrum USRA 4-8-2 that I haven’t yet had on the tracks. I can say the detail on the loco is very good. I will buy more of the Spectrum line as they are so far the best compromise for detail, running ability and price that I know of. I will not buy another Athearn Steamer as the two I have are not the best and have been problematic. The PK2 stuff is beautiful, runs smooth, but are not good pullers. Stay away from the Standard line in Bachmann.

This 4-8-4 by Bachmann is quiet and the pickup is great. I highly recommend it and the 3 truck shays.

Oh, by the way don’t mind the insect spray in the backgroud, had to resort to chemical warfare to fight off some wasps earlier.

I have a Spectrum three truck Shay. it’s a friggin cadillac. We love it.

I have close to 20 Bachmann Spectrum steam engines, in both HO and G scale. Over all the years, I have had a problem with only one of them; a G-scale 2-8-0 Consolidation. I contacted Bachmann and they sent me a replacement part within a week.

Bachmann diesel engines are another story. I don’t have any of them, and probably never will, so you’ll have to rely on the other opinions posted here for the answer about diesels.

I’ve never had a Spectrum steam engine, but I do have one of the Standard line 4-8-4 Niagaras and it’s a very good steam engine. It runs very smooth and looks good.

The Shay, from what I’ve heard is one of the smoothest and neatest looking steam engines on the market.[:D][:D][:D]

Definite upgrade.
Both of the Mountains are favorites.
I owned the heavy and there is a MR Oct 2003 review.
They carry a 12 month free repair/parts.
Beyond the 12 there is a limited warranty

If you decide on a NEW Bachman, make sure you send in the warrenty card! I didn’t and now I’m out of luck on warrenty repair.[V]

Thanks for the input folks. I think that a Shay might be in my future, subtle hints are now being dropped to the wife for an up-coming birthday. Anyone out there installed the Soundtraxx decoder designed for the shay?

The Spectrum three truck Shay received a MR review March 2001.

Didn’t it receive the MR product of the year award later?


The shays are great. I have three. I have installed the Soundtraxx LC decoder in one of them. The volume level is a little low even after buying the special speaker from Tony’s and building a baffle in the coal bin. At fist this bugged me, now I have grown to like the volume level. The install required drilling a couple of holes and partial dis-assembly of the loco. Nothing too serious, but the decoder is not “drop in”. The motor control could be better, but overall I am very satified with the decoder.

The locos look great and run very well. They creep very nicely as well…

I also own two of the spectrum consolidations. IMHO The best deal in HO steam.

The Shay is a little jewel–I like it a lot.
I have two USRA heavy mountains, both run like Swiss watches and pull very well.
The 2-8-0 is a sweet little crawler and a surprisingly good hauler.
The 2-6-6-2 will outpull the Proto2000 2-8-8-2 by a country mile and is an incredibly smooth runner.
If Spectrum comes out with a GS-4 in the near future, I’m going to fight to be first in line. Good locomotives. Great runners and fine pullers. No complaints from this end.
Tom [8D]

One of the locomotives I’d go crazy for is a 4-8-4 spectrum upgrade and if they did a C&O J3 like they did with the heavy mountain. Faints

I have one of the original line 4-8-4 Niagara’s with a MRC steam sound decoder in it. Although the motor control leaves something to be desired, it runs well and pulls a ton. It has had its wheels run off over the last two years with very few problems. Mostly related to rough handling by the grandson.
He has a Southern Pacific 4-8-4 Dayilght. The drive train and chassis is a clone of the Niagara’s. It has been running hard since Christmas on his home DC layout. No problems so far.
I recently bought a Spectrum 4-6-2, Pennsy K-4 for my grandson. I ordered a Soundtraxx LC decoder for it. In the meantime it has a TCS, T1 decoder installed. I runs smoothly and quietly. Only a little gear/drive train growl.
In my experience, the B-man makes a quality loco, particularly in the larger sizes and the Spectrum line.
Pictures on my website, link is in my signature.

I have several Spectrum steamers. A 4-6-0 low boiler, a 2-8-0, a 4-8-2, a Sy Mikado 2-8-2 (Spectrum quality), and a Spectrum Shay. I have been extremely pleased with all of them and have not had any issues at all. All of them are fairly good pullers for their respective sizes. I would highly recommend them.

I’ve also installed the Soundtraxx decoder in mine. It’s easy as falling down. I complained about the sound level at first, but, I have since grown to like it. I understand that prototypically, the shay is not too loud anyway.

Thanks for the input on the Soundtraxx. I just installed my first Soundtraxx decoder in an IHC steamer and it was actually a little too loud. My preference is to get the volume way down, the BLI’s out of the box are far too loud IMO. Sounds like a Soundraxx decoder might be in order, especially as they are on sale at such good prices in various places right now. Thanks again.

I have an N scale Spectrum 4-8-2 lite mountain that’s never given me a bit of trouble.
