Bachmann Thomas the Train Engine Conversion to DCC

I have a Grandson who is Autistic and loves the Thomas the Train series. I have recently switched to DCC and would like to convert my Thomas engines to DCC. Any suggestions as to the best decoder to buy for a Bachmann conversion? I understand the decoders are almost universal. Most come with a pin assembly but Bachmann does not have socket installed in thier units. That requires cut, splice and soulder. Any idea where someone could find step by step instructions for a Bachmann conversion to DCC? Many thanks for your reply. dpffitz

It is a hard-wire install, but it looks like simply hooking up similar wire colors together.

My granddaughter’s Thomas has a TCS M-1 in it. Added head and tail lights during the install.

I installed a Digitrax DZ123 in the cab of my grandson’s Thomas (HO scale). Plenty of room for this decoder. Just remember to eliminate the little board with the resistors/capacitors on it. They will screw up the DCC signal.

There is room for a larger decoder if you wish. A DH123 will fit as would any similar decoder. All are hard wired types. I don’t think there is a ‘drop in’ decoder available for the Thomas series locos.

Good luck with your project. Our Thomas runs like a watch with his decoder.

This may give you a better idea of a step-by-step. I placed a M1 in my nephews and it runs great. I will need to open it back up to add a little more weight though…

Alright, I am sorry to do it, I am going to bring up the topic again. I have a Gordon for my son. I am pretty good at wiring pretty much anything. I am not sure as to which sound decoder is the best to choose. I can only seem to figure out that Gordon is a 4-6-2. I don’t know a whistle, chuff sounds etc… I have been researching for a few weeks now and I think my head is going to explode.

Any Ideas?


Gordon is a good runner (at least mine is) with good low speed control. He can easily pull 7 cheapo IHC passanger cars and 2 Walthers bilevels (fastest and best, and pulls the express, as my 3 year old would say).

There’s not much room in Gordon for a speaker. If you want sound, you will probably end up putting the speaker in the tender. I did manage to fit a DH163 into him, which is .67” x 1.05” x 0.25”.

A tsunami TSU-1000 is 1.68” x 0.68” x 0.25”. So its a bit longer, but I think it would fit. A TSU-750 is 1" x 1/2" x 0.22" and would definitely fit.

Thanks for your input. I was thinking the same thing with the TSU-1000, and putting the speaker into the tender. No worries, as my 2 1/2 y/o son would say, “Gordon’s the fastest on the Island of Sodor.”

Thanks for the input.

For non-sound, it’s one of the easiest installs I’ve ever performed. The Bachmann circuit board that is fastened to the roof of the cab has all 4 wires marked indicating which two are track pickup and which two are the motor. A TCS M-1 was fastened to the cab roof with double-sided foam tape in place of the light board after the wires were spliced.