Bachmann Trains HO scale Climax locomotive

I have a Bachmann Shay which still needs conversion to DCC. I’ve already successfully converted a Rivarossi Heisler, and 3 PFM / United brass logging locos… a 2 truck Shay, 3 truck Climax, and a Vulcan Duplex; all to Tsunami DCC with sound and head/tail lights. All operate beautifully. I plan to add this Climax to my roster as well.

I have a Bachmann Shay which still needs conversion to DCC. I’ve already successfully converted a Rivarossi Heisler, and 3 PFM / United brass logging locos… a 2 truck Shay, 3 truck Climax, and a Vulcan Duplex; all to Tsunami DCC with sound and head/tail lights. All operate beautifully. I plan to add this Climax to my roster as well.

Another great model from Bachmann.
Have one, runs and sounds great.
Head light looks great.

Another great model from Bachmann.
Have one, runs and sounds great.
Head light looks great.

I have 30 engines including 3 Shays and a 2 truck Climax- all by Bachman and all very well done. I will not be buying this for one reason- the price. I’m sorry, but even though I can well afford this, breaking the $500 price barrier for an HO is just too much. My 2 cents

Please visit the really nice residents of Cass WV and the Cass Scenic Railroad. The opportunity to see the prototype under restoration is a real treat. The other geared locomotives in operation are breath taking. Lots of great modeling ideas in this beautiful part of West Virginia.

Please visit the really nice residents of Cass WV and the Cass Scenic Railroad. The opportunity to see the prototype under restoration is a real treat. The other geared locomotives in operation are breath taking. Lots of great modeling ideas in this beautiful part of West Virginia.

Can hardly wait for it in N scale !! :slight_smile:

Can hardly wait for it in N scale !! :slight_smile:

I worked on the restoration of Climax#3 form the Moore-kepple co. It was a 1910 class b 50 ton, It is now called the Durbin rocket in west Vaginia, on the Grierberg railroad. When firing the engine you could feel the floor bounce beneath your feet at a top speed of 15mph, but boy you could feel the power

I worked on the restoration of Climax#3 form the Moore-kepple co. It was a 1910 class b 50 ton, It is now called the Durbin rocket in west Vaginia, on the Grierberg railroad. When firing the engine you could feel the floor bounce beneath your feet at a top speed of 15mph, but boy you could feel the power

Firstly sorry this is off topic - Alan of Mayland, what else do you have connected to your DCC bus? I have, at least for the short term, only got 3amps to play with and I can run multiple sound enabled locos with easily 20+ freight cars. My layout includes grades of 3% soon to be lessened for other reasons I wont discuss here. I also have PSX circuit breakers and am using remote indicator LEDs which all consume precious amperage - basically what I am saying is I think you have other problems or the loco is extremely bound up and pulling big current, if you can only run one sound equipped loco with three cars.

Now to bring it back to topic a bit I have a HO Bachmann Shay with DCC an tsunami sound and this running on my layout draws well less than .5 amp under load of three logging cars and caboose. How do I measure - I also have a Ramp Meter in line with my system to see what current and volts are being “used”

The video of this cool new locomotive is up! You can see it here:

The video of this cool new locomotive is up! You can see it here:

Looks like a great model. I have an old one in brass and wondering if I can repower this model.

Looks like a great model. I have an old one in brass and wondering if I can repower this model.

If anyone is still checking on reviews of this 3 Truck Climax there is oone thing I recommend before you run it for an extended time . Support the Loco , upside down on a foam pad or towel, perferably a foam cradle for engine service . Put one drop of LaBells #107 Plastic compatable oil on each of the 10 Bevel gears , return the Climax to your track and run it 20 Feet in one direction and then in reverse . I have done this with both of my 3 Truck Climax’s and have not had any problems and I have ran one of them many hours at this writing . I talked with a couple of Modelers that have had the bevel gears split simalar to the 3 Truck Shay which I have experienced also . Hopefully this will help prevent in premature Bevel gear problems for you . Regards Jim

If anyone is still checking on reviews of this 3 Truck Climax there is oone thing I recommend before you run it for an extended time . Support the Loco , upside down on a foam pad or towel, perferably a foam cradle for engine service . Put one drop of LaBells #107 Plastic compatable oil on each of the 10 Bevel gears , return the Climax to your track and run it 20 Feet in one direction and then in reverse . I have done this with both of my 3 Truck Climax’s and have not had any problems and I have ran one of them many hours at this writing . I talked with a couple of Modelers that have had the bevel gears split simalar to the 3 Truck Shay which I have experienced also . Hopefully this will help prevent in premature Bevel gear problems for you . Regards Jim

Got mine less than a year ago. It is my best running engine. My entire RR is hand laid track but I’m only 27. Its my first model RR and the track is rough. My logging spurs are code 55 and the climax runs right through it all evan scratch biult turnouts.

Got mine less than a year ago. It is my best running engine. My entire RR is hand laid track but I’m only 27. Its my first model RR and the track is rough. My logging spurs are code 55 and the climax runs right through it all evan scratch biult turnouts.