bachmanns 2-6-0

is bachmann going to stop making the bachmann 2-6-0 mining mogul?? Ive looked on,, ect. And only has one left.

I would post this on the Bachmann forum,

You’ll get a faster reply, it could just be that the latest batch has sold out and new ones havent arrived from China yet, try San Val, he always has a couple in the shop. I’m not aware of any halt in production, I’ve heard that the Spectrum Moguls may not be reissued or may be issued in a more modern form.

Vic, I just woke up and noticed this. What “modern form”? Such as motor, gears, modling? Just asking to see if you knew.


I second that question- maybe I should wait till the new ones come out.

I am never going to buy Bachmann’s again. They aren’t as good as Accucraft.

Bachmann = $250
Accucraft = $2500

Most of us buy Bachmann’s for the obvious reason and have no problems (or at least no ‘fixable’ problems ). If you can afford Accu thats fine, but I’ve never had any problems with Bachmann.

Its been rumors only, thats why I said “may be” …

Bachmann is NOTORIOUSLY tight lipped about new products, but they also Notorious about reusing previous tooling on new products to save money. After the run of the wood cabbed version of the Spectrum Mogul has ceased, given the greater interest today in the narrow gauge community in more 20th century steam locos, it would seam logical to presume that we will see a modern, straight boiler, steel cab, version of the Mogul. Its been asked for on the Bachmann forum and the Bach’man just keeps saying either, “He’ll pass it on”, “we’ll see” or “Anything is possible”.

I’m pretty sure it does exists, at least in the one-off mock up form, it would just be too illogical not to re-use the drivetrain on a new loco.

Just to clarify–there are two different Bachmann moguls. The first mentioned in this thread is the “mining mogul” otherwise known as the “industrial mogul” or “indie” (Bachmann locos seem to be cursed with “cute” names like that.) This loco is generally advertised between $80 - $100. The second mogul is their Baldwin mogul, which is considerably larger and much more well detailed. It’s a model of a c. 1876 Baldwin catalog engine. This one is typically advertised for between $275 - $400. The mogul rumored to be potentially re-released in a “modern” configuration is the Baldwin mogul. That, and the almost-identical 4-4-0 are both fodder for such a re-release. (Baldwin still made 3’ gauge 4-4-0s as late as 1910–for domestic use, no less.) RR Redneck–any specific instances that led you to form your rather blanket opinion of Bachmann’s products? Later, K

Kevin is correct to point out the difference between the larger 19th cent wood cabbed Spectrum Mogul and the smaller 20th cent Indy Mogul, which is a modern steel cab loco.



FYI It does appear that the Indy is history for now, as its no longer listed in the Bachmann on-line catalog anymore!!!

If ya want one, better hurry! (I’m sure they’ll be on E-bay for quite a while)

Correct me if I am wrong please. I thought any “Spectrum Line” was better than any of the other Bachmann lines?!


Yes, higher quality, higher detail, and…higher price[;)]

But remember that Bachmann’s 5th generation Big Hauler line is today dam near bulletproof in reliablity compared to first generation Big Haulers. I think they are almost on a par with LGB.

The Spectrum line has suffered more teething problems that the Big Haulers have also.

Thanks Vic for clearing it up for me…just that question I just had to ask.


I wish it was a 1:20.3 cooke![:D]

I have found an Indie mogul on[:D]. You have to go on the product search, select an item in G scale, then click orer online. Then you’ll go to and look under steam locomotives in G scale, then there you go!

<<quote user=““Betsy””]I have found an Indie mogul on[:D]. You have to go on the product search, select an item in G scale, then click orer online. Then you’ll go to and look under steam locomotives in G scale, then there you go![/quote>>

Interesting. Where did you find it? I didn’t even see it listed in their online catalog. Lots of Spectrum moguls but no indies.


Neet, they have 3 diffrent ones listed on Bachmann’s buy online site for $200 ea

Midwest Quarry & Mining Co. Colorado Mining Co. Yellow Pine Lumber Co.