Bachmann's N scale 2-6-6-2...any good?

When a little while back Bachmann came up with it’s N scale 2-6-6-2,it certainly caught my attention.Unfortunately,my budget wasn’t ready for it and I was agonizing over the fact that this seemingly hot model would soon become unavailable and it’s price would likely be very high for the available ones.

To my surprise,such is not the case as I can see these offered quite often on Ebay,either by private owners who’d part with them or online stores that seem to have a few on hand.Is it that it’s simply not a popular model or is it that it isn’t very good?Thanks

Theres some kind of binding problem with the drivers, thats about all I know.

Try checking out this thread where we talked about this loco:

Bachmann also claims they have resolved the undergauge problem.

You can also check on their website for a few threads concerning the same locomotive:

I think the advice still stands that it’s probably okay to buy one of them if you get it from your LHS where you can test run it and have them verify the gauge. I might be wary of trying to get one of these through ebay. But that’s jmho.



I’m thinking that it might not be a bad idea to wait for the second run. Some of these units wobble more than others so, as with all Nscale steam, it is better to try before you buy. I just laid away an MDC Nscale Consolidation. My LHS had three. I tried all three and yes, one seemed to be smoother than the other two. I imagine that the other two, after being broken-in, would eventually become smooth runners. In fact, once I pay for one, I may get another so I can double-head them. Just some thoughts.