Bachmanns Shay

I’m interested in buying Bachmanns 3 truck Shay DCC and sound

and if you have one or have seen/heard them, how would you rate them? I think you have to put a lot of the detail parts on yourself. If so, is it fairly straightforward and easy?

The Bachmann Shay is excellent. It runs slow, like the prototype. It comes completely
assembled-nothing to add except the cast metal coal load for the bunker. Any
assembly is VERY easy. You will not be disappointed at all. I also recommend
the Bachmann Climax-it’s just a jewel. Hope this helps.

I have two of the Bachman Shays, one with sound. Both are fine runners and the one with sound is good except for the whistle. It’s alright but not like the one’s at Cass ,WV. But for the money they are hard to beat. Jim

I just bought one from Micromark they are on sale for $114.00. Soundtraxx has a drop in sound decoder that was very easy to install. I think it even came with the speaker and baffle. I really like the little guy. Don’t expect them to haul butt because they don’t. They go slow and but can pull and climb real good.
Terry and WILMA for now

Add me to the list. I didn’t put my own sound it, but it sure runs and sounds good.

Much obliged! I guess I’ll be ordering it in the morning.

Jarrell, I am going to bump a question I posted earlier today in the hopes that you will answer.


i put the soundtraxx decoder in mine , it was fairly easy , the instructions were ok but the photos could have been lighter . sounds real nice [:D]

I have three. They run and look great. I installed the soundtraxx decoder in mine…Not drop in, but not that hard…

Mine is soudless, for now, but the loco is awesome!!!

Slow as molasses in January, and will haul a bazillion cars at the same snails pace as it will run unloaded! Great detail, with the working valve gear mechanisims. Neat little train!!!

I didn’t know Bachmann had the thing sound equipped…or are you meaning with an aftermarket sound system? I’m hoping to add a sound system to mine soon!

Sound is where it’s at!
