Backdrop Graphics

Hello All

I am considering having a backdrop made from vinyl, or large paper.

Is there a site that has good scenery that can be used for backdrop graphics?


I have recently made a backdrpp by using the Buildings in Auran trainz and taking screen shots of them, and pasting them to paint or Gimp. The picture is then pasted on to foam core board, the edges of which are painted a grey colour. Rather than make my layout fit the backdrop, I can make my backdrop fit my layout by printing out as close as I can to what I want or envisage.

When you do the screen dumps onto the Auran “board” put some scenic green underneath it and rotate your building and or your view so that you get the full “sunny side” … which in the case of you in the Northern Hemisphere is the South aspect of Trainz compass.

The pictures are printed on sticker A4 size paper then cut out and applied… and its fun!



For my 24’x24’ around the room layout, I chose the SceniKing 7"x11" sequential 20ft.-28ft.sets that were appropriate for my distant hills, farming, and seaside settings. The tops of the sequential photos are matching sky blue, (with gradual variations). I matched the SceniKing blue electronically at the paint store and painted the Luan backdrop above where the paper scenes would be located… I matched the variations in the blue by laying out the 7"x11" trimmed photos around the room, and tinting the blue accordingly. I used a giant glue stick to attach the sets of photos to the painted backdrop. The photos went on smoothly, and could be realigned, (if necessary). Still no trouble, (after one year.of application). Bob Hahn

Click on photo to enlarge it. Then click sequentially, on the photos on the upper right, to view scenes of my layout.

Excellent. Thanks for the replies.[:)]

Check out (link us to their 325 sky panoramas collection). Please note: if you are not a member of the site you are limited to 10 downloads per day (and some of the really large image files are not available). You might want to look at the Nature section, there are good tree.landscape shots.


Backdrop warehouse is a good place to check out: