Backdrop illumination idea

On the MR board, I saw a really cool backdrop (scroll down just a little):

I asked if he photographed it outside. He replied that he photoshopped it into the picture.

But although you can make fake scenery look real, it is really tough to make a backdrop appear real.

So, I’ve come up with an idea. Don’t know if it’s ever been tried before.

Make the backdrop out of acrylic: the whole thing.

Then, using transluscent paint, illustrate the scene. Then light up the backdrop from behind.

Having trouble visualizing what I’m saying?

Just visit the women’s cosmetics section of a clothing store (I hang out there sometimes to leer at the chicks). Notice the ads like for Revlon or Chanel#9 which are essentially giant posters lit from behind.

With this method, you would not even need to paint the backdrop. You simply could take a high resolution (low ISO film speed) of a pretty scene and have it enlarged. A bit expensive but you’d get a great scene.

You could even take the idea one step further and place red, green, and blue lights behind the acrylic and adjust each light on a dimmer switch to provide morning thru evening lighting effects.

Dave Vergun


In the 70s, 80s & early 90s, Grand Central had this huge Kodak billboard located over the old Baggage Desk, which at the time was a bank branch. Kodak would take a 35 mm slide & blow it up to monster proportions & put it in the billboard. The whole thing was back-lit. This is pretty much the same idea that you have, I think.

If you could find a way to do what Kodak did with that billboard, only on not-so-gigantic a scale, you’d be pretty much where you want to be.

Incidentally, when they rennovated GCT in the 90s, that billboard came down & the bank branch was moved. The original architect’s plans called for a staircase identical to the one on the opposite side of the terminal in that spot, so they actually built it. They also cleaned the ceiling & took 80+ years of smoke, dirt & grime off of it. It’s absolutely gorgeous now.

I stopped commuting through there in November 1997, just before it was finished. I’ve gone down into the city a few times since then, so I’ve seen the finished rennovation, but I haven’t been there in a while.



Cool. I think I’ve seen some really big ones too.

Forgot to mention something. The light coming out of the backdrop could nicely illuminate the lighting with diffused light; minimizing the need for layout lighting.

But where do I get the acryllic to paint on?