Backdrop or Scenic Block - removable


Has anyone seen or know of layouts with removeable backdrops or scenic blocks?

I’m considering a 5x9 table. I want to put a backdrop a the 4’ mark so that behind it would be a foot of space for staging.

Any info, help is greatly appreciated.


Hello Ron,

I cannot think of any reason why you could not have a removable backdrop. Just brace it very well and use durable scenery to hide the junction with the base. (It’s going to get banged from time to time). Supports can be on the back side.

You will have a hard time reaching four feet into the layout area. I guess that’s why you want the backdrop to be removable.

Best of luck.


I asked a similar question some time ago when I started working on a 4x6 portable with a removeable scenic block. I am using pink/blue foam over 1/2" plywood. One suggestion I got was to line the slot where the backdrop would be sliding in and out with some wooden strips so it would not damage the foam over time. I am using a piece of 1/8" plywood for the block. I secured a piece of 2x4 with a groove in it to the plywood base for the block to sit in. Up from the 2x4 I am putting some strips of the 1/8" held up by foam pieces which are shaped to be the background hills. Suppose you could put the strips on the back of buildings or whatever backed up to your backdrop.

Good luck,

I have toyed with the idea of a backdrop made of rigid foam that would rest in a hidden deep groove so that if visitors were standing on the other side of my peninsula layout I could just lift up and remove the backdrop so they could see. I also thought of hinged foam core for the same purpose.

The key thing is the material would have to be fairly light, yet have structural integrity, flatness, and rigidity. That is why I am thinking of pink or blue foam, or foam core rather than wood. .

The March 2009 MR had some ideas along this line in the article "Rail-marine operations on a shelf" by Barbara Brunette. She had backdrop buildings that attached to her backdrop with cabinet latch magnets so they could just pull away.

Dave Nelson