
ok…so i tried but all i could get were these thumbnail pics to come up

Your links are bad.

I tried it and got “page can not be displayed” message.

that’s strange…they come up when i go there…guess i’m going to have to put the pictures in one of those pay storage sites,

Try it worked well for me and it is FREE!

ok…so i used webshots and it still don’t work…

Nope. Now it says,
You don’t have permission to access /s/image8/9/39/96/137793996CbAXMU_ph.jpg on this server.

Apache/2.0.48 Server at Port 80

[tup]Your link works now. Tiny, but it works. Looks good! Backdrops really makes the scene come alive don’t they?

are they up now?..I get them, but only in a thumbnail size

it’s even gonna look better when a consist of SP U - boats are pull’in a freight headed for Houston over the Balcones fault between San Antonio and Hondo, Texas…(that’s dem’ dar’ hills in the Texas hill country in the background…notice the change from pine trees to oak trees? :wink:

ok…got about three more feet of trees to paint on the wall…and i hope i don’t end up repainting them…everytime i do a layout I start with a backdrop…then have a brainstorm and make the layout a bit higher than my original plan and end up re-painting the tree line because the layout isn’t proportional to the tree line…at least this time i painted the hills big enough to fudge a bit…a guy gets really good at paint’in trees when he does it over and over…but…that’s what makes the hobby fun!..Chuck

I tried it and got the following:

tiny photos but looking good


I see the thumbs

eww the 13th post

the carpet guy finally got here yesterday evening and tonight I officially start the benchwork…YIPEEE!!!..gonna start with the wye section of the layout and go from there…