
I am finally at the point of installing a backdrop from my railroad. I’ve purchased some .060" styrene sheets and cut them to the height I want. I’ve also purchased several of the commercially available photographic backdrop scenes. What is the best glue to use to stick the pictures to the plactic? My plan is to glue first and install the completed backdrop second. I’d appreciate any thoughts.

I’ve never done it, but I’ve heard you can get good results with contact glue, or rubber cement.

Are you planning on curving the backdrops? If so, you shouldn’t glue on the pictures until after the styrene has been curved, or you’ll get a bunch of wrinkles.

I agree with Bill, put up your styrene first then glue on. Secondly, you don’t want “excellent” glue. By that, I mean you want to have a little time before the glue sets, because I can promise you “adjustment” time is necessary. I was going to use a quick spray glue and was moved over to modge podge - for the glue on the back it doesn’t matter if matte or glossy.

Also, after your commercial stuff is up, hit with a paper fixative spray(available from Michael’s) then a matte finish spray. Why? Well when the hydrocal, or ballast glue, or whatever gets slopped on to your wonderful backdrop, it won’t get damaged. The reason you want a matte overlay over the fixative is to reduce the shine for photos.

Modge Podge (available at Michael’s, Walmart, home depot) is a bit slower drying than many glues. It is what people use for decopage.