bad track pictures

doe snaybody have pics of terribly bad looking track? if so please post

These are pictures of CSX track at Lansdale Terminal ex Reading Railroad trackage at Lansdale, PA. This was the result of a miniture derailment of a AOK boxcar and an SD40-2. The second picture shows the track aftermath of the derailment, when the “breakdown crew” had to cut through the track.

That’s pretty bad, I havn’t seen much around here since I live near the BNSF, but back in 2000 after CN bought IC they replaced some rail that had very little “top” to it, it must have been around for a long timw

I have seen the trackage firsthand that CSXrules4eva photographed, and it was just a mess. If I am correct, they still have not repaired it. It ripped out a support post for the cantenary system that the SEPTA line uses.

Have you looked at the videos from the “You’ve GOT to see this” thread, posted here a few days ago?

Personally, I want to keep as much distance between me and bad track as possible. I’ve seen and ridden over plenty in my time!

Yep, I saw them. My dad does not think they are real, but I BELIEVE them

I have seen photos of Penn Central track that was so bad you wouldn’t think a train could run over it without derailing.

Hey Everyone…I don’t really post at all, but have been checking out threads here for the last little while…so I figured I would say hello before posting my contribution!

This is on the CSX Antietam branch…

I’d have to nominate Guildford’s ex-B&M Watertown, Mass. branch. Back in Dec. '04, a GP40 actually sank into the mud and got stuck for at least a couple days: