Ball Bearing Wheels for USA Streamline Cars

I am trying to find out if anyone manufactures a ball bearing wheel set for the new USA streamliners. These cars are HEAVY and don’t like tight curves (8 ft. diameter). I am hoping to find a set that fits the journals on these cars. The streamline cars have a smaller journal/axle diameter than LGB, Bachmann and Aristo.

Any information would be appreciated as the PA/B1 units really struggle pulling a 2-3 percent grade and 8 ft. turnaround.

Welcome to the forum! I see this is your second post. Great bunch here. Try Gary Raymond. Web site is . He advertises over 50 models, 10 with ball bearings. Hope this helps! Enjoy the forum. Later eh…Brian.

Welcome to GRYS forum. I am just starting to buy the USA cars. But couple of years ago i bought the single BB wheel sets from San Vals for my Arsito HW cars which made the wheels independed from each other going around curves. Much better and alittle cheaper.
just a thought

After a little more research I have found that the USA cars have a smaller diameter axle that fits into the journal bushing. LGB, Bachmann and other wheel sets do not fit in these journal bushings. I spoke to Gary Raymond and he said that most axles are 3mm but some manufacturers vary this. He suggested drilling out the holes to accomodate the standard 3mm type axle. I also spoke to USA trains and they do not offer or know of any substitute axle.