Ballasting Bachmann E-Z Track

The kitty litter is really clay rather than stone, not that that matters. LION buys “Special Kitty” at Walmart, the stuff in the 25# red bag. Him sifts it through a window screen, kept the small stuff and the cats already knew what they could do with the rest of it. I suppose you can glue it in the normal way. LIONS are not known for doing things “normal”. him follows the 1:1 practice of letting gravity hold it in place. Much easier to make adjustments to the tracks. But then, LIONS are different, and do not use a cork roadbed, for him thinks that would make a trackway that is too tall. Besides, LIONS model subway trains, neither tunnels nor elevated structures use ballast.

Ok, OK! LION knows the old IRT used ballast but the modern specs do not call for ballast.