Basic Train information HELP!

I am trying to find info on trains in the US and around the world. Does anyone know a website that gives # of trains and passengers and all around info on trains by country. It could be a website just for one country or for 10. I am writing a paper and I really at a loss. Any help would be more than appreciated thanks

I know of only ONE source for the type of information you are seeking, and it is not on the Internet! It is a book called “Jane’s World Railways”, published in the United Kingdom by the publisher of “Jane’s Fighting Ships” and similar military assessment books. It is issued every other year these days. It should be available at big city or major university libraries.

Jane’s has a website:

Look under Janes Products. They have several items about railways and locomotive. But, beware! They are EXPENSIVE!


I could tell you about a gravity feed railroad in the state of PA. It is located in JimThorpe Pa. My father talks about it quite a bit. It’s said that it moves by the force of coming down the side of the mountain that it sits on. It has been there for many of years my father says that it is a historical site in the town. If your intrested you might want to go to they might be able to give you some history or background on it.