BC Rail paint scheme

Does anyone know what are the color matches for the two-tone green BC Rail scheme. Since I can’t find a caboose other than Overland I would like to try to paint one.

Check with these guys http://groups.yahoo.com/group/BCRailwayModeller/ and these guys http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/PGEBCRSIG/.

They have the answers you seek (in the form of an excel spreadsheet).

ScaleCoat I paint has a few special colors for Canadian lines, see http://cnlines.ca/products/paint.pdf for specific information. BC Railway dark green # 110-30 and BC Railway light green # 110-31.

what scale ? I just purchased 1 last week. I also painted 1 a month ago. Using the above paints. It turned out great.


Assuming the scale to be HO, Athearn has their Wide Vision caboose available in the classy two tone green BC Rail paint. Just add the details needed.