This is being posted for all the whiners out there. Be certain to stock up on cheese this week end. The new forum is coming next week.

And no matter how great the new format is, the whining will begin!

Form a support group NOW and have plenty of cheese on hand!

If I’m going to be coming in “Be Prepard” mode I think I’ll bring the Marshmellows and you can bring the Wieners!

Only You can prevent forest fires!


I’ll bring crackers and a fire extinguisher - Anyone who wants starts for their avatar once we’re over, contact me! [:p]

Sure, you need to be. Jesus is coming.

I’ve already checked all the hatch covers, strung additional safety lines, checked to make sure the boxcars on the train deck are properly secured and put the extra bilge pumps on the flicker. As long as we can keep the bow to the wind, I’m not too concerned about the stern door. We should be able to dock safely at Milwaukee on Monday.

In the meantime, have a nice (not Lake Michigan-stormy) weekend.


eye eye captain.

Yea it should be quite intertaining. I can’t wait.

There’s a homeopathic remedy that I carry in my practice. I’ll pretty much be immune. I’ll probably be in exploration mode.


stocks up on walthers cornerstone kits, detail parts, and all the crazy glue he can find Ok, I’m good! Already had plenty of cheese, Who wants fondue?

How does the phrase go, “Would you like some cheese with that whine?”

Full dynamics applied, 1 hand on the air valve,the other on the horn,lets hope we dont have to dump it !!! [:0]

I just hope we don’t have a de-railment with the new forum!


THE SKY IS FALLING!! THE SKY IS FALLING!!! O.K panic stricken predictions are over, somehow I think we’ll all survive,adapt and carry on with the hobby and forum after the dust settles from this latest “crisis”. If I loose my stars (I’ve already lost my mind years ago) I’ll live I’m a motormouth and will probably rebuild on whatever kind of rating system there is.

Ya where all gona die.

Good to see you Gordon! I hope your right and really when you look at it it will probably be “Business as usual”.

I’ve recently joined two other rail Forums. Each one is unique and caters to a different part of the MR spectrum.

Variety is good


Well, I am ready for the new forums! I got a half glass of water, a roaring fire, and the saftey valve is whispering! I say lets roll! All Aboard!

As for the whiners, oh man, it is going to be some entertaining stuff! Just sit back and watch the fun begin! [;)]

I got my hand on the PANIC button. I’m ready!!!

Aafter the meltdown the whole world will look like this----


Actually, it may feel like that for the programmers doing the conversion. It seems like they have a good group doing this BUT these BBS conversions are rarely simple.

As in any project, there will always be problems with people getting use to new formats and procedures. Also, there will be that stray “1” where a “0” should be. Patience is always a virtue.