Who’s got’em and how many cars, 6464 type, does a single engine handle?
I have one coming in this week, with TMCC & sound, going to try one for a start. [8D]
Mine will easily pull ten modern 6464 cars around an 031 oval. They will pull a few more around wider radiuses on the flat. Expect to pull fewer actual post war cars.
I have a bunch of BEEPs, and have had them pull 8-10 light cars without any difficulty (on level trackwork). Great little engines, and very forgiving on the wallet.
I have a blue Boston & Maine Beep. Would love to see a maroon, gold and black version. They are nice and as Allan said, easy on the wallet. I just wi***hey’d move a little faster. Walter Matuch told me they top out at a scale 40 mph. Throw some giddyup in them and a horn and they’d be even better.
You can la***hem and they work great. Plan on using mine to move hopper cars at the mine.
I have found the running characteristics to be nearly identical to the K-Line Plymouth also. To pull my complete Bethlehem steel collection including a number of die cast cars I have to lash up the B.S.Plymouth with my B.S. Beep. Neither can handle the string alone but work great together. [8D]
Did you see my suggestion for Beep lashups in the coffee shop thread? Take off one of the shells and put it back on backwards (long nose over e-unit switch). Eliminates the need to swap e-units.
Jim, I knew that. I did not post it too plain. Was not suggesting that you replace the reversing units. I was saying that with the new type, they don’t cross up like the old Eunits. Thanks though.