Before I buy this "War Bonnet GP-40"

Hello my fellow train fans,

I have been wanting an affordable train locomotive and have my eye on a Bachman Santa Fe style GP-40 They call it the War Bonnet with road # 6067 does anyone run one of these and are they any good?

Any reviews will be greatly appriciated by a beginner, keep in mind I have been looking at this one because of its price and Bachman name, will this loco break down more than run???


Jess Red Horse.

I have one of the GP30s and FT-As with the same drive, and they’re both excellent runners.[:D] I’ve heard their quality control isn’t exactly the best, so you do have to watch out for the bad ones, but when you get a good one, they run every bit as smooth as the highest quality diesels out there.[:D]

I have two of those. One runs a little jerky at low speed but the other one runs great.

All right, what you’ve got to realize is that Dath Santa Fe is joking. Either that, or his are repowered with quality can motors, which is a sub-hobby of his.

I have one of those locos, and here’s my advice: Don’t buy it. You 'd be MUCH better off buying an Athearn (blue box) locomotive. They’re pretty cheap, and run much better than that Bachmann [censored]!

I keep my distance from Bachmann, the only product of theirs I’d even consider buying would be a Spectrum line product or one of their “DCC installed” ones. The one you were considering is a fantisy scheme (no Santa Fe GP40 ever wore warbonnet colors) on a junky loco.

Go for an Athearn.[2c]

If it’s the non-DCC model. it should run fine. I have many Bachmanns and they are a good value for the money.
The only problem I had was with a DCC on board GP 35. The decoder burned out after 6 hours and they don’t have fly wheel drive.

I found this deal on Amazon.

Why not go with a sure-thing? I would opt for any Athearn product; inexpensive, easy to work on, lots of parts available…etc…

David B

there is a reason most people refere to them as botchmans.

No, I’m not joking. I actually compared the running quality of my GP30 to my Kato SD80 not long ago. The Kato had the best low speed control, but the GP30 was quieter, drew less current, and was just as smooth.[:D]

I do agree that Athearn is better than Bachmann, but Bachmann is usually the less expensive of the two (until you get to their Spectrum line, anyway). Santa Fe silver on a GP40 is definately fantasy, but Bachmann is trying to attract more than just adults to the hobby, and what kid can resist the red and silver Warbonnet?[:D]

Red Horse, Bachmann also has this engine in a more realistic blue and yellow paint job, if you’d still like to get one in SF.

My Bachs are more quit and pull more than my Athearns of the same era.(BB’s) Don’t know about the new Athearns other than all the complaints I’ve read on this forum.

THERE WAS never a GP-40 in RED warbonnet . (2) Bachmann generally (Overall) gets low marks. (3) The real point is DO YOU CARE?

Occasionly someone gets a Bachmann engine they like, but MOST buy for price and suffer silently. SOME newer products (Spectrum Steam - F-3’s) portend of better things to come, but after having 7 of their engines, I tend to side with those living in Missouri; Ie:(“'Show me”').

‘To date: Bachmann = Low man on the Totem Pole’. Theirs is largely a Beginners ‘Toy train’ Market. So far the best endorsments are “Runs as good as my (more expensive) one.”.

Considering Manufacturing tolerances, Few products come off the assembly line equally.

To you they may be a biginners “toy train” but to some one who can no longer afford what you might call “real” model trains They are a god send. And also think of those who are just starting out in the hobby. For years this hobby actively attracted young teenage talent into our ranks. Easy to do when an F-7 with Flywheels was $19.95 and the slightly more upscale “GP-9” was $24.99. Even as inflation drove prices up. a Teenager could still save up $29.99 for an F-7 or $10-$15 more for many other of Athearns Great locomotives. Today I have not seen a Blue Box locomotive kit since the Horizon Hobbies take over. And so far only one new Post Horizon Blue Box Tank Car kit has made it all the way out to Wyoming. As for the “Ready to Roll” line of locomotives that Athearn advocates lets start at $65.00 for an F-7 A&B set and work up from there.

You may counter “But that is Retail” and yes that is true. That is retail and any old hand would probably be foolish for paying it. But face it. The sales have not been that good lately. Aind since I live way the hell out in the boon docks when it comes to model railroad supply its cheaper to go down the my hobby shop. (Which Douglas is still fortunate eneugh to have one. And the one in Casper has been through three owners in the last 10 years) Have them order and pay retail. Because by the time I pay the sale price, then pay the shipping. Im actually paying a premium on my item. So I only use mail order or E-bay if I see something I need that is no longer inproduction.

Getting back to my point is that there is no affordable locomotives for the prospective adolecent and young adult who wish to start out in this hobby. You have litterally Walthers T

For those of us that suffered through those times with Bachmann junk it’s very hard to pony up the money and buy one of their new offerings without thinking of being burned. Call me “once bitten, twice shy” but it’s going to take a lot of convincing to get me to shell out some bucks based on past those experinces. Especially when I know what I’m getting with Kato or other brands available that are proven…

just my nickel’s worth


And to make my other point. You probably make $120,000 a year. drive a new car. own a nice house (Not neccicarily big just nice) have a couple kids that are the joy of your life, and the $135.00 Kato wants for their new BNSF SD40-2 just doesn’t seem like that much money does it.

UMMM, junk is junk and Bachman produced a lot of it. Don’t be angry with a person just because he makes a lot more then you, actually your coming across more jealous then angry, lolol. I really don’t understand people that are jealous of people that can afford the finer things in life. [:X]

And the price of a Kato in comparison to a Bachmann is?

Im not jealous. Im trying to point out the fact that in our rush to have “The quality items” that are being sold to us these days. We are forgetting about those who will sustain and continue the hobby. The younger people that we need to recruit and get active in this hobby can not afford to participate. I have not purchased any Facotry New model trains since Atlas did their GP-7s in GN Big Sky Blue. I just cant afford those prices. And more importantly I think its highway robber so I refuse to.

My point with the last post was that he too seems to not under stand that point because he is well off and can afford these overly inflated prices and choosed to do so. But a teenager or young adult whishing to start off in model railroading. They can’t afford $135.00 for a new locomotive.

As for the Warbonet GP40 Yes The Santa Fe never had a GP-40, and the only Hood Units that Santa Fe Red and Silver Warbonets got applied to were the U28CGs. But the Bachmann GP-40 is a good inexpensive locomotive with decent detailing that something can be done with. All the things we used to say about Athearn.

Master of Sky Blue:

Before you DEFEND something make sure you get your facts in order: (1) REREAD MY POST. it said "Theirs (Bachman) is largely a Beginners Toy Train Market" - or do you disagree?

also WHERE did I refer to ANY orher trains as “real” (your quotes) ? REAL ones are 87 times larger, so ours are ALL ‘toys, aren’t they?’.


They say “One man’s jubk is another man’s treasure” - perhaps you are living proof? - however one side of the hobby is surmounting the challenge of getting things working.Darth Santa Fe is a fine example.

Amother is Fred Wright building the early CB&Q in Wyoming. He’s acquired his considerable skills since he was your age.

In any case, I only had seven Bachmann engines before I called it quits. If you had the money spent on your "half-closet full’ of “junk” back, would you spend it on something better?

No need to reply.

Sorry Tyler, didn’t realize 517 ran that bad.

Never buy Bachmann!!! I can not stress that enough!!! I have had one home run from them, one that is ok, one that never moved, cept maybe 20 in. (generous estimate) in it’s life. If you want Warbonnet on a Gp-40, just custom paint. Trust me, it might put on a few gray hairs (thankfully I am just a teen) to re-paint a quality loco, but with a Bachmann, you’ll likely pull out your hair.

They new Bachmann Models have redisgned drives. They may be a bit noisy, and aren’t as strong as athearn, but the newer ones are actually pretty good.

Atlas Trainman ATSF GP38-2

I would get this instead, it is a tad more expensive, but is far more reliable, and can be had for 55-60 on online retailers.