Bells on new Amtrak locomotives

What type of bells are used on new Amtrak locomotives? I’m asking about ACS-64 and the Siemens Charger. The ACS 64 surely sounds mechanical to me, but it could be a really good annunciator.

All Chargers, Brightline Chargers and Sprinters have E-bells.

E-bells? Electronic bells? Fakeroo bells?

Well, that…just…sucks.

Another railroad tradition shot to hell.

I’m all for tradition but changing the clapper piston in inclement weather, and it always happens during inclement weather, is not fun.

You’re probably right, so I’ll tell you what…

If they’re using e-bells, why not e-whistles? Imagine a Charger or a Sprinter rollin’ into the station with a Big Boy sound. THAT’d get everyone’s attention!

I wouldn’t think so. I remember hearing Hancock air whistles mounted on some of EJ&E’s centercabs, the sound didn’t fit the locomotive.

They sound really genuine to me.

I sort of wish that railroad crossing electronic bells sounded more real.

I’m not sure why, but the original bells found on the F40PH’s and F59PHI’s take me back. The new electronic bells sound like metal hitting someting, the transonic bells are a little bettter and kinda sound like the original bells.