
I was running a passenger train over the hill in Montana I was still in whitefish at the time I blew the horn then pushed the B button for bell and the brakes went to Emergancy dose any one know how to fix it


you may have encountered a glitch in the game, I have never heard of that happening.
Make sure that you haev the newest patch for it you can get it here

Either that or you were going to fast and it gave you and it gave you a penalty application for speeding or something.

I think I have a problem with the CNW 4701. I was only going 25 out of 60


CNW??? What program are you using MSTS?? Auran?? or somthing else??

I am using MSTS I downloaded the CNW from a site called


ah ok try downloading the patch from that site that I gave you and that should fix it.