well i have some good news and bad news. my nephew and i finished the tabletop or benchwork tonight at 11:30 and the bad news is i want beable to start my track laying until i get my revised track plan from the guy who is desiging it for me or i could just free lance and do it myself but that would be a waste of my money that i paid to get it designd. you know im going to and a little more stuff to what he designed just to add my little flavor to it. but here are the finishing touches to the benchwork or photos i shall say.
heres my nephew putting in the last screw in the table top:
here are 3 different angles of the room good pictures but i can do better i was a little tired you will get better ones later, but the banch work is made out of 14 & 1/2 4x8 plywood sheets that are 3/4 inch thick. 28- 2x4x8’s. 44- 2x4x45". 74- 2x4x39" the braces have not been added yet as im to tired to do them tonight. but overal i think i did a great job. but cant wait to start laying track. hope you like.
until next time peace
thatboy37 aka reggie