benchwork question...

getting ready to start putting together my benchwork and I was then going to put down the plywoood. Now I know that is the way I use to it, when I did my old layout. I was wondering, are there any new ways that might make things easier. I see some people building & laying track on foam… how is that compared to plywood??

Foam is lighter and more flexible than plywood for a table top style layout. See Woodland Scenics Sub Terrain system {url][/url] for further ideas. Foam does NOT work for cookie cutter style layouts.

I recommend at least 2" of EXTRUDED foam with a 3/16" luan plywood on the bottom to distribute loads from legs, Tortise switch machines, etc.

You cannot nail into foam. I use Aleene’s Tacky Glue (craft section at Wal-Mart and other stores) to secure roadbed to foam and track to roadbed. Others use yellow glue, hot glue, carpet tape, Liquind Nails for Projects (foam compatible grade).

Foam is easy to carve and laminate. Latex paint works well to cover. Joint compound, sculptamold, etc works good for blending. WS water product works great for water falls, rivers, and other bodies of water. (normal epoxy based systems will eat right through.).

The foam can be on top of a table or on cheap metal shelf brackets.

Ray can tell you more, and will probably be responding to this. Feel free to e-mail me directly.