Benifits of Deoxit

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Benifits of Deoxit

Is this one of those 19.95 TV offers where you get a second huge 7.4 ml bottle free for just paying the postage and handling?

Nope its very expensive but works great.

No, Caig Labs has been around for a very long time. I first started using their stuff in the 70’s on my hifi gear. I wish I’d get a second bottle free! Tony’s DCC sells it I think. Kinda hard to find.

I’m sure Mr. Matson means well and is trying to be helpful, and I really appreciate that. But this piece really does nothing to interest me in this product, in fact entirely the opposite. By the bye, I guess that the sounds of a cat being tortured are actually some kind of locomotive sound system? My friend, THAT was NOT a good investment.

To get back on track - sorry, couldn’t resist - (1) how often does he have to apply this stuff to his problem area? It is certainly not the sense of the demonstration that this is the first such application. (2) A better first step would have been to use nickel silver rail instead of steel with its numerous and notorious problems. (3) The permanent solution is feeder wires. Given that there obviously is good access to the problem trackage, adding them is not at all difficult. (4) I cringed when I saw him sanding his wheels. It is impossible to do that procedure without putting fine grit into the drive train. Also, most loco wheels are factory-plated for better conductivity - the photos show that he has long ago sanded that plating entirely off. (5) I also cringed when I watched him abusing the poor loco’s power train by (a) holding it on the track and sandpaper to stall; (b) PUSHING it in the opposite direction of the electrical power being applied to the rails. It is truly a miracle that that locomotive is still running at all if this treatment is typical.

Don’t capacitors do the same thing?

This clip was like a trip back to the Dark Age.