Berea CSX Short Line CP's and MP's.

I’ve gone to Berea for a long time and I was wondering, when your railfanning in Berea what CP (Control Point) and MP (Milepost) is it on the CSX Mainline, (not counting NS) going through here. Is CP 16 by 480, close to The Plain Dealer Plant? Is CP 17 close by Rockport Yard? I was just curious if this is correct because I thought going north inclines the CP and MP numbers and going south decreases them because I found a video on YouTube that shows the CP’s going south and west increases. Also someone told me, on the Bedford post I did a few weeks ago, that going North or West on the NS increases and going South or East on the NS decreases. I do know that CP194 is NS but I don’t know what CSX is, so if anybody knows about this please tell me.

Hey Alstom, maybe you can help me on this one, if your there, back from Railfanning cause I know Conrailforever went railfanning all last week and I didn’t know if you went with him.