I am in the process of making some big changes to my personal website, by having it concentrate on my model railroad, and including a photo gallery of pictures of the layout, among other things. Your policies seem to indicate I can’t post the URL on the forum, but must reserve that for my profile. It also seems to be concerned priimarily with those who have forums, or other mass-access features (mine won’t). I’d appreciate some clarification on that point, if you could.
I don’t see a problem. The closest applicable rule seems to be “Don’t use our forum as a means of promoting your forum.” But, you’re not running a forum, right? A personal web site is not a forum. Lots of members occasionally post links to their own sites to illustrate some point. A lot of these are how-to pages which help all of us. (I’m thinking of Joe Fugate, Harold Minkey and Spacemouse, to name 3.)
One purpose of this forum is to spread information and encourage participation in the hobby. To that end, personal web sites which aren’t trying to sell anything, or to push any political or social views, should be just fine.
I agree, but I couldn’t find his email address in any of the contact info, and besides, as the first respondent mentioned, it might be a good idea for the other forum members to have this one clarified…
You will be fine. The ones that really bother me are the people who use our forum, and their signature within our forum, to promote THEIR forum. Makes me want to join their forum and do the same. [banghead]