Berkshire 2-8-4

Does anyone know if you can get a Berkshire 2-8-4 in G scale

I haven’t been able to find one as yet.


The only one I know of is like $4,000 from Aster.


No, I don’t know of one available either.


Update on this, Aster are bringing a 2-8-44 out in the spring of 2005, no price as yet.

Whew! A 2-8-44! That’s a bunch of wheels!

I don’t even know what one is, but if you send a case of beer to my address here on Kawana Island, I will look into it for you.

Merry Christmas; Ian.

Good one, Ian![tup][swg]

Thank you Maam

I was on the hunt for one and I saw a train set by Bachmann. It’s their Polar Express
from the movie, not in their catolog yet, the price is $ 1,600. I also saw an engine in Garden Railway mag. I think it was a UP 2-8-2, change the trailing truck to a 4 and you’ve got a Berkshire, and the price was $ 600+ dollars. Hope this helps.


The Bachmann set done in large scale a couple years ago uses thier standard 4-6-0 ten-wheeler. Dunno about any new B-mann set, not in large scale though. The 2-8-2 is from Aristo-craft for around $300 and I’m sure an adventurous modeler could scratchbuild a new 4 wheel trailing truck for it and convert it to a Berkshire.