Berkshire Hathaway sells two shortline railroads

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Berkshire Hathaway sells two shortline railroads

Nitpicking, methinks.

Nitpicking is what government bureaucracy thrives upon.

yeah, you’re probably right, whoever bought them probably got a real bargain too, Berkshire just wanted to get rid of them QUICK, like a bunny!!

A good example of the ever watchful Federal Government who is always there to “help you”‘. Mr. Hays’ comments are spot on.

Talk about something getting so large that nobody is really sure what it includes! Apparently those little roads were so deeply buried in layers of ownership that nobody at Berk or at BNSF really understood the ownership or the control. Yes, it is nitpicking, but “rules is rules” and a small technicality has been cared for.

Really. It’s not like he actually needs the money. But, rules are rules, and even, or especially, the most powerful need to comply.

Wonder if they ever billed/paid themselves for interchange service.