Which manufacturer produces the best/most detailed DoubleStacks? I can not find any samples at LHS’s and will have to order these “blind”.
I can’t say who makes the best, but I had bad luck with Walthers several years ago because the center sill on theirs would not allow the trucks to swivel enough to go around a 22 inch radius. I switched to Athearn and have had no more problems.
HO: The new Die cast walthers cars
N Scale: Kato, Maybe Deluxx Innovations cars.
I have a mix of Athearn & Walthers, both new & used.
The old Walthers offerings do have issues going around 22" curves but after modifying them, I fixed that problem.
The Athearn are great, no problems with them.
Intermountain sold as A line make good sets. I like the Walthers because they are die cast. Athearn cars are plastic but look good.
I own HO well cars from just about every manufacturer that currently makes them, and I’d say that the athearn cars can’t be beat for operating quality. Especially the newer RTR ones and my older 5 unit car equipped with metal wheels and weighted containers. And since my Walthers cars are diecast, they track well too[tup].
I can’t really comment on N scale well cars, but I’ve read that Deluxe innovations cars are the best, followed by the new Kato car.
Thanks for all the helpfull replies - my smallest radius curve is 26" - will order the Walthers diecast cars then.