Best Free Sites to Use for Uploading Photos to MR (Dec 2018)

What are the current best sites (free ones if they still they still exist) to upload photos to for inclusion in MR forum discussions?


I use imgur. You can google it and go from there…


ditto, though sometimes I use Flickr and still have a Photobucket free account. We discussed this a bunch when Photobucket decided to charge for their service.

I use a BB (Bulletin Board) link. BB’s were forums before there were forums and simply pasting the link into your text, without using any of the above link or photo icons is quick and easy.

Flickr adds some other stuff to identify youralbum and that it is on Flickr. I generally cut that stuff out, but it is tedious. Links in the forum on Photobucket don’t always work for me anymore in Firefox. Maybe my Firefox installation is corrupted.

IMGbb is also popular as is Trainboard. I haven’t experimented with those.

I use Imgur as well. I was using Photobucket until they got stupid, and I still have some stuff on it, but Imgur is easy. The only quirk is that once you have signed in you have to click on your name to see your own albums. They don’t come up automatically. That’s dumb AFAIC.

I tried Drop Box for a while until they started asking for ridiculous amounts of money. They snuck in an automatic renewal on me too. I was not impressed. I did get my money back.


I have used Imgur since joining the MR forum.


I have been happy with it.




I’ve used all those things in the past, but have pretty much given up on them, and have started to just host everything myself nowadays. Edit – mostly because of changing guidelines / service switcharoos (e.g. “oh, we got big, so you gotta pay now”) / etc.

It was easy enough, but then again I don’t need a web-interface to stick images into a folder (and the “insert / edit image” button here on the forums handles the rest).

Every time I’ve seen these threads pop up (even while just lurking for a few years … ), I start thinking it might be a good idea to offer it to people… maybe someday I will [;)]

I tryed to use google photos and google drive, they didn’t show up right though. Right now I am using photos from my wordpress blog, North Country Trains.

[tup] I have tried several but believe it or not when I went to “imgbb” I could not believe how easy it was. You sign up and start down loading pictures from your computer to the web site, imgbb site; then upload a picture from imgbb by copying it while you are on the Model Railroader forum by right clicking the picture, copy it then paste it in your text on the forum and there it is. It was that simple.

Robert Sylvester

Newberry-Columbia Line, SC

Hi Robert,

Just a slight correction in terminology: Uploading involves moving files/data from your computer to a website; downloading involves moving files/data from a website to your computer.

So, you actually upload photos from your computer to the photo-hosting site then reference them with the photo’s URL when posting them on the forum. Other than avatars, no photos are uploaded to the MR website.


Hello Ron,

Imgur is easy to use. If I can be of help with pointers, contact me off list anytime [:D]

Click on the link. When you get to the webpage, click on the green “Sign Up” tab on the upper right corner. When the gray box opens up, fill in the information.

You’ll be good to go. You’ll see a number of options offered once you sign up, but if you’re like me, you’ll focus on the albums on the drop down menu,located underneath your name, on the right side. For my albums I’ve created separate categories: Locomotives, Metalized passenger cars, Prototypes, Buses, Misc.

You can upload a lot of photos. Have fun!


Wouldn’t it be easier if you could just upload your files to this site,and resize like on some other hobby sites?

It would, but they’re not going to pay for the storage, so it’s not going to happen.