I am getting back into model railroading after a long layoff; who are the best internet sources for equipment? Thanks in advance!
Scale, era, other interests?
Bob Boudreau
I have used 1st Place Hobbies and am very happy with their performance. There website is easy to navigate, their inventory extensive, they show when an item is out of stock, there prices are as good if not better than most and they are quick to ship. I don’t know what more could be asked of them. I’m sure someone here will complain about them! However, I have a great opinion of them.
www.1stplacehobbies.com is a great site, they have everything and their delivery is super quick. I’ve been getting my stuff from them in 3 to 4 days from when I placed the order. WWW.discounttrainsonline.com is OK, but they are slow at getting your stuff to you, could take about 10 days. www.trainworld.com usually has the best prices, but there site is a little hard to navigate, and dosen’t list every thing they have, I usually end up calling them on the phone. My favorite site is www.toytrainheaven.com. They usually post all the new stuff coming out and will take advanced reservations. Only problem is, you can’t order on line, you have to phone it in. Another mail order house I like is www.hobbylandinc.com. Their web site is useless but you can sign up on thier mailing list and receive a flyer that comes out almost every month. Again good prices and you can advance reserse your items. I have dealt with www.manhattantrains.com too with good success. That rounds out my list of favorites. Hope this helps.
Since the Trix BB is generating some interest I checked www.firsthobby.com and their price is $650.00
1Stplacehobbies is $755.00 and discountrainsonline is $791.00.
Also be familar with shipping costs, out of stock/back order policy added shipping costs, return items,restocking fees for returns, out of the box defective-who fixes it, vendor or manufacturer.
Everybody that the guys listed above plus Caboose Hobbies (www.caboosehobbies.com). Have done business with most of these and have nothing but good to say about them all. By the way, welcome to MR forum. You’ve found a great bunch of guys and gals here; kinda like one big extended family!
Of those listed above that I’ve bought from, I’ve never had any problems.
Also gotta give a shout-out to MB Klein’s website:
Great guys to work with, and they don’t gouge ya on the shipping either.
By my recommending 1st Place Hobbies, I did not intend that this be looked upon as the only place to shop and that you don’t need to shop around. Due diligence is always warrented! However, how many MRRers are really looking to buy a Big Boy?