Best Log Dump car for using with the 164 & 464 lionel accessories???

I am trying to get a handle on what would be the best log dump car to use on my layout?? I have a Lionel 164 Log Loader and a 464 Saw Mill. I have lots of logs.

In order, Lionel 3461. 3451(or updated with magnetic couplers to work like a 3461), then the 3361. All three of these reset to the lowered position when cycling. The later 3362/3364 style cars had to be reset by hand.

For a non-Lionel alternative, MTH & K-Line dump cars feature a motorized mechanism with a tiny can motor and gear train for exceptionally smooth operation. The K-Line version could be used remotely anywhere w/o a control track using their handheld remote.

I concur with ACDX. The postwar 3451/61 cars are correct for the period and work nicely. Stay away from the early models with electro couplers as those will uncouple when you unload them. Also, I recommend using O track with the sawmill as it sits slightly too high and when used with O27 track the logs do not always roll smoothly into it.