With the U.S. having a wealth of wholesalers and Hobby/train stores from which to shop from within its own borders, I wonder where the other forum members spread across the planet shop. I would like to hear of good stores in Europe, Asia, Australia and other places around the world.
Do fellow modelers have access to a good well supplied shop in their own countries or is it all mail order from the U.S.?
I know when I have been in Australia and Europe I have seen MRR items in stores that have obviously been on the shelf for a very long time and also a good selection of current stuff.
If anyone remembers a couple of years back there seemed to be a real shortage of Walthers/Shinohara turnouts in the U.S. Yet at the same time three local stores I deal with up here in the Great White North were swimming in them.
So I have two questions. If you live in the U.S. do you shop in other countries? Have you ever found that long lost item you’ve been searching for in some far off foreign land? Let’s hear about it and how did you find it?
If you live elsewhere on the planet, where do you shop? And tell us about good stores in your country.
The wife and I are planning some trips in the next year and if there are any good hobby stores to hit along the way, that would be great.
Well Batman, I guess it depends on what you’re looking for overseas and what the currency exchange rate is. I live in Australia (nowhere near Europe) and I would say I purchase approximately 75% of my model train stuff from the US. Not because my local hobby is no good but because it’s cheaper to buy in the US.
But let me clarify. I model US prototype trains. I can purchase these depending on currency conversion at sometimes 50% cheaper than I can purchase in Australia and with shipping on top of that it’s still cheaper, but also let me say that as of yesterday 5th November our Australian dollar is worth more than the US dollar. (This is the first time in 26 years!)
However if you wish to purchase Australian prototype model trains then I dare say you wont find them cheaper than in Australia. (however they aren’t cheap here. It’s only over the past few years that Australians have embraced good quality accurately detailed prototype models and as there is not the vast array of models available yet we are still paying a premium).
So I guess if you want to buy Marklin they are probably the cheapest in Germany. If you want to buy Peco track or Hornby models they’re probably cheapest in England.
We do have some good local hobby shops in Australia but please don’t think you’ll find any American style superstores. We just don’t have the population to support them.
Here are a couple of links to the hobby shops I use and you’ll see by the web pages that they are not large stores.
I have never gotten around to looking if Canadian Model Trains has all the stuff an LHS would be expected to have, but they do sell locomotives and other rolling stock. I would not place them high on the list of bargain-basement sellers…they are pricey…but they have good stuff, including brass on consignment and stuff, new brass, True-Line, Rapido…and they do a good business. I have not ordered from any other Canadian outfits because I model (sort of) American roads.
I get most of my supplies like paint and scenery materials from http://www.hobby-worx.com/ You can usually see them at most of the shows in Ontario. Anything DCC related I usually get from http://www.canadianexpressline.com/ Same thing, he is at most of the shows in Ontario. As for rolling stock and loco’s, I get them from just about everywhere.