Best way to remove paint from styrene?

I know people like to use Windex and Dot4 brake fluid to remove paint off locomotives

Any idea what is safe on styrene?

91% rubbing alcohol comes to mind. It’s what I use.

Possibly soaking in Simple Green alkali cleaner[used full strength]would work…papasmurf

I second the 91% rubbing alcohol suggestion. Let it soak overnight, then brush off the old paint with an old toothbrush or a cheap 2" or so paintbrush.

Actually, I just remembered that some manufacturers’ plastics are more sensitive to certain solvents than others. If I recall correctly, Kato plastic loco shells in particular will turn to mush if you let them soak in brake fluid. I’ve personally never stripped a Kato shell, so I’ve only heard this second hand. I think the alcohol would be pretty safe on any plastic, though. Before you try it for real, you might want to try it on a test piece first. I can tell you I’ve used 91% alcohol with Bachmann and Athearn plastic with no ill effects.

I have used both DOT brake fluid and 91% rubbing alcohol. The brake fluid works well, but does not do as good a job as the 91% rubbing alcohol. Brake fluid also presents a post stripping clean-up problem that alcohol does not have; it is also more toxic than alcohol. These days I am using the alcohol. Note that 70% will not work, it had too high a water content to strip paint.

With eitter material, wear nitrile gloves; either material will soak through latex.

Oven cleaner works great but its nasty stuff