Beverages by Rail

Are there any drink companies other than tropicana that haul beverages by rail?

We receive lots of beer for a local warehouse. It is almost always Corona Light, and comes to us from Mexico. A lot of old late-70s box cars from the IPD era lettered EEC, HS, etc., and some FXE box cars inherited from NdeM.

Wasn’t there a semi-recent article in Trains about how Coor’s transports their products?

Coor’s has it’s own RR in it’s Colorado Plant. BNSF’s “Beer Run” local brings in cars, and then BNSF takes the loaded CORX “Beer” tanker cars to Memphis, TN, where NS then takes them to Coor’s Distribution Facility in Virginia. I don’t know anyother beverages, but I do know that Lance (everyone has heard the radio commercials…right? [%-)]) has TOFC cars that head through Atlanta on NS. Also Lamb Western (correct me if I’m wrong) has thier own reefers for potato products, and Cape Cod Potato Chips has trailers loaded with chips, that are shipped on RR’s.

Beer: Coors-Molson, Miller, A-B [Manufacturers Junction] (the Mexican beer is Coors on the backhaul)

Wine: Gallo (ST&E, M&ET), Fetzer

Heavy alcohol: Seagrams, National Distilleries

Coca Cola, 7-Up, Minute Maid, Stokely Van Camp (my beloved gatorjuice)


A couple more…

Molson, Labbatts, Brador (Canada Only) (Toronto)

Budweiser (Baldwinsville, NY and Waverly, NJ)

Taylor Wines

And many others I’m sure…


Slight correction, MC: The A-B line is the Manufacturers Railway–Manufacturers Junction is up here in Cicero or thereabouts.

We don’t ship any of the yellow stuff from Milwaukee any more. Or to, as far as I know.

The daily HKCKDEN & HDENKCM trains which travel across KS on the bumpy BNSF La Junta Sub, haul large shipments of Coors beer both in the white tankers and packaged in insulated boxcars. The directional running on BNSF between Denver-Amarillo is not all cracked up what its meant to be.With traffic jams & such, several months ago, it took nearly 20 hrs for the train to KCM to run between Denver-La Junta. I’m sure the traffic managers @ Coors were not pleased.

The April, 2006 TRAINS talks about Coors and how they ship by rail.

we had a few on CSX det-chi line…we get CP run thrus ( atleast we used to before they moved to NS) always have the hazmat paperwork for dangerous cars…i had 1 train once that had a total of 9 hazmat contianers listed as dangerous/flammable liquids…9 containers of Seagrams

[#offtopic] Budweiser built a distribution center in Howell Mi about 10 years ago…building was built with an inside rail dock and door…CSX lost the contract to JBHunt so the rails were never laid…we on the 709 local that would have switched were waiting with giddy anticipation for that one…[angel]

Knause Foods ships Motts apple juice and Cadbury drinks by rail from their warehouse in Idaville, Pa. They make the products in Aspers, about 5 miles south of the warehouse…

Which reminds me–J. Edgar, can you please (a) slow down and (b) properly assemble the locomotives in your signature? One needs to sample some of the aforementioned beverages (which, as a conscientious railroader, I refuse to do) to make sense of it.

Sorry, offense not intended.

none taken…and i dont think i can…it is an animated GIF…can i change that???

A local winery and grape juice plant ships, presumably, grape juice concentrate in tankcars leased to Welch Foods.

I have seen CWCX, ADMX, and TIMX tankcars placarded for ethanol (not denatured) and/or alcoholic beverages, not otherwise specified.

California Citrus Producers ( ship via rail.

There are also breweries out here that ship by rail.

Bolthouse Farms ( makes beverages, along with carrot products. They ship stuff by rail, although I do not know what goes by rail.