Beware !! The Model Railroad Train Gods May Be Watching and Listening to You !!!

What ! You don’t believe in the, “Model Railroad Train Gods.” You fool you.

In my younger MRR days (just 8 months ago) I dismissed the silly notion of so called Train Gods. I’ve learned the error of my ways. And I do, I really, really do, believe in them and sure don’t want to tick them off.

There are some things in life, you just don’t say, Like, “I’ve never been in an automobile accident.”

Well, The Train Gods have a real big grin when they hear the following:

1 “All my track plans are masterpieces and no one can find any improvements to them.”

2 “My trackwork skills are perfect with no kinks or derailments on my layout.”

3 “All my wiring is completed without any shorts.”

4 “I’ve never dropped an expensive steam locomotive on the ground.”

5 “I can install decoders without frying them or my loco motors.”

And Last but not least, “Things are going so well!.”

When you say any of the above, like Ichors, you have flown too close to the sun. The MRR Train Gods do not smile on humans. In their eyes, we are mere ants waiting to be crushed.

Yes! Oh Yes!! The

you are so right . the train gods hung out with me last week. nothing went right with a new extension im building. by the way the automotive gods were at work with me also. im an auto tech. by trade. there are better days ahead. dave

SO, SO TRUE!!! And they only do it when you have guests over.

Magical incantations that stop the Malignant Gods of Model Railroading in their tracks:

“When I stop learning, it will be because I’ve just finished dying.”

“Anyone who thinks he knows all the answers hasn’t heard most of the questions.”

“Take the time to do it right: Measure twice, cut once. Debur EVERY rail joint. Test, test again, and then one more time after that. If it’s not good enough, fix it NOW!”

And my very favorite, a little poem:

If you wish to find fortune, and fame, and success,

There really is nothing much to it.

Just have somebody list all the things you can’t do,

Pick the one you like best - and go DO it!

There are also the magic words to say when somebody wants to do something, but is hesitant about starting, for fear of failure:



There are lots of model railroading Gods right here…just ask them, they will tell you.

Why must they be so cruel?

I’ve enjoyed the posts tonight. It has been fun for me and i hope you folks have also gotten a smile or two from it. All reply posts were very funny and fun.

Everyone who posted a reply scares me though. I did not realize there were this many folks in the same mental state I’m in. :):slight_smile:

I’ve finished dismantling my old 4x7 layout tonight and striped it down to the plywood top. Tomorrow I’ll take it apart and reuse as much of the lumber as I can on my new “J” shaped layout. It’ll be an N-scale,Lenz Set100 DCC, Peco T/O’s, and Atlas flex track. All my N scale Locos have been converted to DCC. So I’m ready to roll.

If I need help I hope I haven’t worn out my welcome and would like to come back for questions and/or advise.

Thanks all and have a good week.

Yeah, that’s me[:P] (actually, I’m not bad at trackplanning)

That’d be me. With my Tyco cars, running any train over 9-10 cars in reverse for any distance is risky.