big boy

how bad will my bigboy steamer look on 26 curves

It will look small “o” okay, if you ask me. My Challenger is very tight on 22" curves, but that’s all I got. It handles them just fine.

Let’s face it, if you wanted the BB to look nearly prototypcical, you’d have 100" curves. But 26" should be good.

The big boy will run fine on 26" curves, the greater you can give them the better. My challenger runs on everything right down to 18", but looks best the higher the radius I can get it on. The club has 40" plus and the challenger looks great on them.


Much of this hobby is about exageration and focus. One of the things about the articulated that we like is the overhang, and the little extra we give them with tighter curves is what we like. I think my Sierra on 18" curves is what the engine is all about.

Depends on the model. Some brass ones will not run on less than 40", a Rivarossi or Trix can squeek through very tight radius. Bowser witll do 22". Bowser, Rivarossi, Trix, Athearn will all be fine on 26". Just make sure you have adequate clearance on each side.

For scale appearance, bigger is better.