Big Brother IS watching!

BigJim, in general I’d agree.

But the thread title said something about a “railfan’s guide.” I took the safe route of not clicking on the link (despite being extremely curious), but from the thread title, it would seem that there might be content about how hoboing is fun.

I have to admit that from about age 18 to 40, I had a serious fantasy about hopping a train, just for the adventure. Just do it one time. (I never fantasized about adopting a hobo lifestle.) I figured I knew enough about trains to be safe; but of course, I would have had no idea which human beings I might encounter. I really thought I’d do it someday. But that desire passed, which was good. It’s very dangerous on many levels.

Seems the “Blame Canada” thread got the kibosh as well. Tis a pity as there was some pretty good natured cross border ribbing going on in that hread. My mistake, wrong section…

Why would that get banned? We’re not even a real country according to the song!

I was looking in the worng section of teh Trains Mag forum - oops.

Glad you picked up the reference to the song.

Always good to find a fellow South Park fan!

Oh brother, “South Park!” Talk about people who’ve raised the “sick joke” to a high art form!

Although giving credit where credit is due, they’ve done a good job skewering people across the political spectrum, left and right, who need a good skewering from time to time.

OOOOHHH!’ Dude’ [:-,] You mentioned our sometime present,[oX)] resident troll, bomb thrower! [banghead]

{ Mods, will not ALLOW YOU ANY MORE SOUP!} [C=:-)] [swg]