I guess discussing the bad behavior of MR advertisers is taboo, since the BLI - MTH thread is now locked dispite no flaming and declining activity in the last day.
I was going to post this there, but at the risk of deletion or locking here goes:
Today Factory Direct Trains, by e-mail announcement, is allready beginning the closeout of the NEW, improved, Paragon2, smoking J1E NYC Hudson from BLI.
Is this to get rid of them before trial day? Is this to raise cash to pay the lawyers? Is this simply because BLI is allready cash strapped?
Just another fine example of why the business practices of this company are not good for the hobby. If I had just bought one of those things 3 months ago (how long have they been out?, not long?) at say only 20% off retail, I would be very unhappy to now see the same source selling them for 43% off, especially so soon.
Ken may be a real nice guy, I don’t know him, but as someone who has a business background, has worked in the hobby business, and has been a modeler for 40 years, I can tell you the actions of his company are not good for the hobby or his company in the long run.
Ken - suggestion, get some more money or scale back, or give it up. This constant dumping of product only undermines the value of your products as a whole in the market place, as does your constant problems with Mike Wolf (Ken, you may be in the right, but it looks bad no mater what). OR be like Bachmann and just lower your prices and move more product.
I for one will NEVER buy another BLI product unless the price is in that 40-50% off range. But look at the bright side Ken, I will never buy an MTH product, period.